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27-Nov-2001 2001-12 USFWS, NMFS, ODFW, IDFG, CRITFC Bonneville Dam Tailwater Elevation
1. SOR-request Beginning immediately and continuing until further notice, maintain a tailwater elevation of 11.5 ft at BON.  On aver it is anticipated that daily average flows will not exceed 125 kcfs.
3. TMT-recommendation  
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation  
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

15-Nov-2001 2001-11 USFWS, ODFW Bonneville Dam Tailwater Elevation
1. SOR-request Beginning immediately and continuing until further notice, maintain a tailwater elevation of 11.5 ft at BON.  On aver it is anticipated that daily average flows will not exceed 125 kcfs.
2. Participants USFWS, ODFW
3. TMT-recommendation  
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation  
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

29-Oct-2001 2001-10 USFWS, ODFW Bonneville Dam Tailwater Elevation
1. SOR-request Beginning November 5 and continuing until further notice, provide a minimum instanteous tailrace elevation of 12 ft at BON under conditions where FCRPS operation is consdidtent with conditions of the Vernita Bar Agreement and NMFS'2000 FCRPS Biological Opinion RPA.
2. Participants USFWS, ODFW
3. TMT-recommendation  
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation  
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

25-Sep-2001 2001-C10 CRITFC Autumn 2001 Treaty Fishery ... week #4
1. SOR-request Implement the following operation during the ceremonial and subsistence fishery:

27 Sep 01, 6 am, through 29 Sep 01, 6 pm

  • Bonneville Poll.  Operate pool within 1 ft from full pool (msl ele 77-76)
  • The dalles Pool.  Operate pool within 1 ft (from msl ele 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Reservoir.  Operate pool within 1 ft (from msl ele 264.5 - 263.5)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:

0600 hours Thursday, 27 September through 1800 hours Saturday, 29 September 01

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Pool was kept within limits stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

10-Sep-2001 2001-C9 CRITFC Autumn 2001 Treaty Fishery ... week #3
1. SOR-request Implement the following operation during the ceremonial and subsistence fishery:

11 Sep 01, 6 am, through 15 Sep 01, 6 pm

  • Bonneville Poll.  Operate pool within 1 ft from full pool (msl ele 77-76)
  • The dalles Pool.  Operate pool within 1 ft (from msl ele 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Reservoir.  Operate pool within 1 ft (from msl ele 264.5 - 263.5)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:

0600 hours Wednesday, 12 September through 1800 hours Saturday, 15 September 01

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Pool was kept within limits stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

17-Aug-2001 2001-C8 CRITFC Autumn 2001 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request Implement the following operation during the ceremonial and subsistence fishery:

28 Aug 01, 6 am, through 1 Sep 01, 6 pm
4 Sep 01, 6 am through 8 Sep 01, 6pm

  • Bonneville Poll.  Operate pool within 1 ft from full pool (msl ele 77-76)
  • The Dalles Pool.  Operate pool within 1 ft (from msl ele 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Reservoir.  Operate pool within 1 ft (from msl ele 264.5 - 263.5)

2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:

0600 hours Tuesday, 28 August through 1800 hours Saturday, 01 September

0600 hours Tuesday, 04 September through 1800 hours Saturday, 08 September 01

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Pool was kept within limits stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

14-Aug-2001 2001-C7 CRITFC McNary Operations
1. SOR-request McNary - Spill 30 kcfs, 12 nighttime hr, every other day during non-transport days.  On days when not transporting return migrants directly to the river and do not rout through the facility unless for sampling.
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation Go to daily trucking at McNary
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Juvenile fish were trucked daily from August 16th to August 27th.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

17-Jul-2001 2001-C6 CRITFC Lower Columbia FCRPS Summer Spill
1. SOR-request Provide immediate 600 MW months of spill at the Spring 2001 levels:

Bonneville- 50 kcfs for 24hr

The Dalles- 30% of daily average flow for 24hr

John Day- 30% of daily average flow for 12 nighttime hours

McNary- 30 kcfs for 12 nighttime hours

2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation TMT discussed whether to provide summer spill for fish at its 18 July meeting. Oregon asked that the issue be elevated to IT. Therefore, the issue was elevated to IT for resolution. The question for IT: Can the planned lower Columbia River flows be reallocated to provide a limited amount of spill for fish so that no additional water is used while energy purchased elsewhere for an initial 2-week period?
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation The Implementation Team agreed to provide summer spill for fish passage at Bonneville and The Dalles Dams, beginning Tuesday 24 July. At Bonneville, the Corps and BPA will make best effort to spill 45 kcfs each day for 5 hours.  The spill hours will be 2000 - 0100 hours, as recommended by NMFS. At The Dalles, spill will be provided on an hourly basis, when the hourly projection is 71 kcfs or greater, from a minimum 15 kcfs spill up to 30% of total discharge.  Total discharge at The Dalles includes 50 kcfs or greater powerhouse and about 6 kcfs miscellaneous discharges, in addition to spill.
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Overall, spill has occurred as stated in the IT recommendation.  An operational error resulted in no spill for several hours the night of 7/26 - 7/27; however, this was resolved and has not recurred.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

10-Jul-2001 2001-9 USFWS, NMFS, ODFW, IDFG, CRITFC, WDFW Grand Coulee Operations
1. SOR-request Between now and 22 Jul discontinue refill and pass inflow from Grand Coulee, plus the additional volume of water stored between elevation 1280 ft and the present elevation 1283.8 feet, to reach an elevation of 1280 ft by 22 Jul.  Based on the inflows projected in 9 Jul  SSARR and projected additional volume of 147.8 KSFD now in the reservoir, estimated average outflow from Grand Coulee of 72.4 kcfs during this time period.
3. TMT-recommendation The operation plan continues to have Grand Coulee reach 1280' by the end of July and 1278' by the end of August, with a two-foot operating range.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Grand Coulee ended July with an elevation of 1282. Grand Coulee ended August with and elevation of 1278.3
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

3-Jul-2001 2001-ODFW1 ODFW Dworshak Operations
1. SOR-request Begin July 9 and continuing through at least August 31,  release 10 kcfs daily at DWR, as long as decision by Federal Executive Group to not provide summer spill is in effect.  Maintain temperature regulation at 48 F.
2. Participants ODFW
3. TMT-recommendation TMT will continue to release Dworshak at 10 kcfs for two weeks and continue discussions on a two-week basis. Two caveats exist regarding this operation. Transmission problems and/or powerhouse capacity may drop the release at times. Any drops can be monitored on the website.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation DWR has been releasing approximately 9.8 Kcfs (full power house capacity) since July 9th. DWR started ramping down to minimum flow on August 28 and reached minimum flow August 30th.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

26-Jun-2001 2001-7 USFWS, NMFS, ODFW, WDFW Dworshak Operations
1. SOR-request Week beginning July 2, operate Dworshak at the following discharge levels:  July 2, 3, and 4 - release 5kcfs ; July 5 and 6 - release 7 kcfs ; July 7 and 8 - release 10 kcfs.  Maintain the same temperature regulation as implemented this week (48-52 F).
2. Participants USFWS, NMFS, ODFW, WDFW
3. TMT-recommendation No TMT agreement was reached, so the following question was forwarded to IT

"Due to biological concerns regarding Clearwater fall chinook subyearlings and recreational concerns surrounding the July 4th holiday, should the proposed SOR be delayed a week?"

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation Implement the SOR as written.
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation DWR went to 5 Kcfs 0700 7/2/01. DWR went to 7 Kcfs 0700 7/5/01. DWR went to 9.6 kcfs (Full power house capacity) 0700 7/7/01.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

5-Jun-2001 2001-6 ODFW, USFWS, WDFW, NMFS, CRITFC, IDFG Priest Rapids Flows
1. SOR-request Week ending June 10, 2001 maintain Priest Rapids flows at a weekly average of 91 kcfs.  Week of June 11 to June 17 maintain Priest Rapids flows at a weekly average of 117.5kcfs.  Weekend flows should not be less than 80% of the previous five-day average.  The attached spreadsheet describes the expected operations under this request.  This operation would still fill Grand Coulee Reservoir to at least 1280 feet and probably higher by the end of June.
3. TMT-recommendation Provide at least 90 kcfs at PRD during the rest of the week and 70 Kcfs on the weekend, possibly higher. Next week, attempt to provide flows that are higher still, being mindful of the weekly flow requests and need to fill GCL to 1280 ft. or higher by the end of June. Continue to operate for power system needs, operate headwater projects at minimum outflows, and continue ALF operation to reach 2062 ft. by June 30.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation The daily average flow at Priest Rapids for the week ending 6-10 was 97 Kcfs. The weekend daily flow was over 70 Kcfs on Saturday 6-9, but was 68.5 Kcfs on Sunday 6-11. The daily average flow at Priest Rapids for the week ending 6-17 was 89 Kcfs, lower than the previous week.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

30-May-2001 2001-5 ODFW, USFWS, WDFW, CRITFC Albeni Falls
1. SOR-request Pass inflow at Albeni Falls beginning immediately.  Maintain the current lake elev of 2058.2 ft thru 30 Jun 01.  Refill lake to 2062.5 ft at en even rate beginning 1 Jul and extend thru 22 Jul or later depending on in-season observations of bull trout passage conditions at the mouth of Trestle and South Gold creeks during the month of July.  Based on difference between the present lake elevation and the full elevation, it is estimated an additional 201.8 ksfd are available for flow augmentation in the Mid Col River during month of June.  It is fully expected water be used for flow augmentation and not be retained in the Grand Coulee Reservoir.
2. Participants ODFW, USFWS, WDFW, CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation Continue to operate Albeni Falls to refill to 2062 ft. by June 30th.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Project continues to fill at a rate of approximately 1 foot per week.  Lake Pend Oreille elevation on 31 May was 2059.4 ft. (Hope gage). Lake Pend Oreille reached 2062 feet (Hope gage) 6/28/01.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

22-May-2001 2001-C5 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Dams and Pools During the Spring 2001 Ceremonial and Subsistence Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request May 24, 2001 6 AM through 6 PM May 25, 2001
  • Bonneville Pool.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77-76)
  • The Dalles Pool.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5-158.5)
  • John Day Reservoir.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot  (msl elevation 264.5-263.5)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:

0600 hours Thursday 24 May through 1800 hours Saturday 26 May.

The regulation will show the pool as a hard constraint, except: 0600 hours Thursday 24 May to 1800 hours 25 May, the regulation will show the pool as a soft constraint

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Pool was kept within limits stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

3-May-2001 2001-4 ODFW, USFWS, WDFW, CRITFC Albeni Falls
1. SOR-request Beginning immediately, pass inflows up to powerhouse capacity at Albeni Falls. Albeni Falls Reservoir should maintain its current elevation of 2054 feet.
2. Participants ODFW, USFWS, WDFW, CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation Operate Albeni Falls to refill to 2062 ft. by June 30th.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Project continues to fill at a rate of approximately 1 foot per week.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

1-May-2001 2001-C4 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Dams and Pools During the Spring 2001 Ceremonial and Subsistence Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request May 4, 2001 6 AM through 6 PM May 5, 2001
  • Bonneville Pool.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77-76)
  • The Dalles Pool.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5-158.5)
  • John Day Reservoir.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot  (msl elevation 264.5-263.5)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:

0600 hours Friday 4 May through 1800 hours Saturday 5 May.

0600 hours Friday 11 May through 1800 hours Saturday 12 May.

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Pool was held for all hours within the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

24-Apr-2001 2001-C3 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Dams and Pools During the Spring 2001 Ceremonial and Subsistence Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request April 26, 2001 6 AM through 6 PM April 28, 2001
  • Bonneville Pool.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77-76)
  • The Dalles Pool.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5-158.5)
  • John Day Reservoir.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot  (msl elevation 264.5-263.5)
A treaty commercial fishery will be held from April 26-28.  At this time we anticipate that the commercial fisheries will be held from May 3 starting at 6AM to May 5 ending at 6PM.  We will send another SOR when Columbis River Compact makes a final decision on the first week of May fishery.
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:

0600 hours Thursday 26 April through 1800 hours Saturday 28 April.

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Pool was held for all hours within the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

19-Apr-2001 2001-3 ODFW, USFWS, CRITFC, WDFW, NPT Operation of Brownlee Reservoir and Upper Snake River Projects for Lower Granite Migration Flows and to contribute to the objective of river operations this year, the improvements of BPA's financial stability
1. SOR-request
  • Evenly draft Brownlee Reservoir from full elevation, 2077.4 on May 1, 2001 to elevation 1976 feet on May 31.
  • Refill Brownlee Reservoir from June 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001 with releases, in addition to projected normal operations, of 980 KAF water volume stored in Upper Snake Reservoirs.
  • Pass natural inflow, projected to be, 10kcks during the refill period.
  • Provide as close to the 980 KAF water volume as possible so that spill does not occur at the Hells Canyon Complex.
2. Participants ODFW, USFWS, CRITFC, WDFW, NPT
3. TMT-recommendation TMT members were not able to reach an agreement with Idaho Power Company on the proposed operation. Therefore the SOR was not implemented.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation The Brownlee project operated near full during May.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

10-Apr-2001 2001-C2 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Dams and Pools During the Spring 2001 Ceremonial and Subsistence Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request

April 11, 2001 6 AM through 6 AM April 14, 2001

April 16, 2001 6 AM through 6 AM April 21, 2001

  • Bonneville Dam.  Implement the 2000 Biological Opinion Spill levels.  Daytime minimum of 75 kcfs.  Nighttime minimum to the 120 % total dissolved gas level as measured at the Camas-Washougal monitoring site.
  • Bonneville Pool.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77-76)
  • The Dalles Pool.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 159.5-158.5)
  • John Day Reservoir.  Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 264.5-263.5)
A treaty commercial fishery will be held during the three-week period from April 23- May 11.  At this time we anticipate that the commercial fisheries will be held from Monday 6 AM - Wednesday 6 PM each week.  We will send another SOR when the season dates are finalized.
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:

0600 hours Monday 9 April through 0600 hours Saturday 14 April.

0600 hours Tuesday 17 April through 1800 hours Thursday 19 April.

The regulation will show the pool as a hard constraint, except: 0600 hours Monday 9 April to 0600 hours Tuesday 10 April, the regulation will show the pool as a soft constraint. This is to allow a gradual pool level increase on Mondays, following the weekends, to refill the lower river for power system needs.

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Pool was held for all hours within the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

21-Mar-2001 2001-C1 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia River Pools during the Spring 2001 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request 3/26/01 6 AM - 3/31/01 6 AM; 4/2/01 6 AM - 4/7/01; 4/9/01 6 AM - 4/14/01 6 AM.  Operate: BON within 1 foot from full pool (msl elev 77-76); TDA within 1 foot (from msl elev 159.5-158.5); JDA within 1 foot (from msl elev 264.5 - 263.5)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:

0600 hours Tuesday 27 March through 0600 hours Saturday 31 March;

0600 hours Monday 2 April through 0600 hours Saturday 7 April; and

0600 hours Monday 9 April through 0600 hours Saturday 14 April.

The regulation will show the pool as a hard constraint, except: From 0600 hours Monday 2 April to 0600 hours Tuesday 3 April, and from 0600 hours Monday 9 April to 0600 hours 10 April, the regulation will show the pool as a soft constraint. This is to allow a gradual pool level increase on Mondays, following the weekends, to refill the lower river for power system needs. This operation is occurring in the spring season when Columbia River flows and power system needs are variable. Therefore, pool regulations will be reviewed periodically by the Corps and BPA for continued feasibility. CRITFC will be informed if pool regulations are changed.

As per previous agreement, CRITFC will provide to the Corps, if possible, at least 48-hour advance notice of any changes to the fishing schedule or additional days.

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Bonneville pool levels were in the coordinated range all hours except one.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

2-Mar-2001 2001-2 ODFW*, USFWS, CRITFC, WDFW, NMFS Spill and flows at Bonneville Dam for the Spring Creek Hatchery Release
1. SOR-request To aid the release of 5.25 million tule fall chinook juveniles from the Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery on 8 March 2000: BON: Provide special operations for a 11-day period, March 9-19.  Operate second powerhouse as first priority. Spill 55 Kcfs not to exceed 120% Tdg (at Warrendale) assuming a min tailwater elev 11.5ft 24 hr a day, maintaining a level of 105% at Ives gage 3. Operate second powerhouse ice and trash sluiceway. Operate units within 1% of peak efficiency. Operate juvenile and adult fish passage facilities according to criteria.
2. Participants ODFW*, USFWS, CRITFC, WDFW, NMFS
3. TMT-recommendation TMT-recommendation Same as SOR except spill 50 Kcfs 1800- 0600 nights of March 10th, March 11th, and March 12th.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Actual Operation Spill averaged 47.3 Kcfs during the times the project was spilling. Tdg levels were below maximum levels. All other operations requested in SOR were carried out.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

3-Jan-2001 2001-1 ODFW, USFWS, WDFW Bonneville Dam Tailwater and Flows
1. SOR-request Immediately implement the requested conditions in SOR # 2000-37 (142 kcfs or higher BON discharge to hold 13 ft. minimum tailwater).
2. Participants ODFW, USFWS, WDFW
3. TMT-recommendation Emergency TMT conference call held 5 January 2001, recommended BON operation to minimum 12.0 ft. tailwater until TMT meeting on 10 January 2001. Expected BON discharge 125 - 140 kcfs. RCC teletype also requested maximum 140 kcfs day average, to conserve water in the system due to current below average runoff condition.

On 10 January the operation was changed to a minimum tailwater elevation of 11.7 ft. with a maximum daily discharge of 130 KCFS. Starting 3 March the tailwater limit was reduced to 11.5 ft. On 7 March the tailwater limit was changed to 11.3 ft. from 0300 - 2100 and 11.5 ft from 2100 - 0300.  On March 12 the tailwater limit was set at 11.3 ft. all hours. The operation ended 16 March at 0700.

4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation The BON operation to protect chum salmon incubation and emergence occurred for a total of 1,671 hours. During that time, all hourly BON tailwater readings except for 12 were at or above the minimum (99.3% consistency with TMT recommendations). None of the 12 low readings were more than 0.1 foot below the minimum in effect at the time. The maximum daily average discharge limit was exceeded 24 out of the 70 days, mostly to counteract periods of low tides by increasing BON discharge to maintain the requested tailwater levels. Discharges also were increased on occasion to meet power system needs.
8. If different from AA decision, why?