D2008-01   D2008-02   D2008-03   D2008-04   D2008-05   D2008-06  

D2008-MT-1   D2008-MT-2  

D2008-C1   D2008-C2   D2008-C3   D2008-C4   D2008-C5   D2008-C6   D2008-C7   D2008-C8   D2008-C9   D2008-C10   D2008-C11  

D2008-FWS1   D2008-FWS2  


D2008-C11   Top of Page
6-Oct-2008 2008-C11 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:
October 7th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, October 10th, 2008, Friday.
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 - 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

This will be the last treaty fishery for 2008.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation Kyle Dittmer (CRITFC) presented SOR 2008-C11 which requests the standard 1-foot elevation bands for Bonneville, The Dalles and John Day pools. CRITFC.s net flights of the area found 466 nets, 157 of those in the Bonneville pool, 105 at The Dalles, and 204 at John Day.

For the fishery, the COE will operate Bonneville pool at 75-76.5 feet elevation as a hard constraint and 75-.5-76.5 as a soft constraint. The Dalles pool will be held at 158.5-160 feet as a soft constraint, and John Day from 262.5-265 feet. The latest tribal fish forecast is the same as last week, 210,000 adult Chinook and 315,000 adult steelhead at Bonneville. The tribal catch turned out to be undervalued, so the tribes can catch more fish. They plan to do so Oct. 7-10.
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation October 7th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, October 10th, 2008, Friday.

BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. Bon forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 99.5% of the time.

During the above time period TDA forebay operated within a range of 0.9. feet and was held within the hard and soft constraints 100% of the time. Also, during this same period of time the JD forebay was operated with a range of 0.6. and was held within the hard and soft constraints 100% of the time.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C10   Top of Page
26-Sep-2008 2008-C10 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:
September 30th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, October 3rd, 2008, Friday.
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 . 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

This will be the last treaty fishery for 2008.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation At the Oct 1, 2008 TMT meeting, Kyle Dittmer (CRITFC) referred the Corps to three autumn Treaty Fishing SORs (D2008-C8-10) and posted a link to the TMT webpage. 2008-C10 which requests the standard 1-foot elevation bands for Bonneville, The Dalles and John Day pools. CRITFC's net flights of the area found 466 nets, 157 of those in the Bonneville pool, 105 at The Dalles, and 204 at John Day.

For the fishery, the COE will operate Bonneville pool at 75-76.5 feet elevation as a hard constraint and 75-.5-76.5 as a soft constraint. The Dalles pool will be held at 158.5-160 feet as a soft constraint, and John Day from 262.5-265 feet. The tribal catch turned out to be undervalued, so the tribes can catch more fish. They plan to do so again the week of Oct. 7-10.
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation September 30th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, October 3rd, 2008, Friday.

BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 99.5% of the time. BON forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 98.5% of the time. During the above time period TDA forebay operated within a range of 0.9. feet and was held within the hard and soft constraints 99% of the time. Also, during this same period of time the JD forebay was operated with a range of 0.7. and was held within the hard and soft constraints 100% of the time.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C9   Top of Page
19-Sep-2008 2008-C9 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

September 22nd, 2008, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 26th, 2008, Friday.
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 . 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

At this time we anticipate one more treaty fishery in late September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation At the Oct 1, 2008 TMT meeting, Kyle Dittmer (CRITFC) referred the Corps to three autumn Treaty Fishing SORs (D2008-C8-10) and posted a link to the TMT webpage. 2008-C09 which requests the standard 1-foot elevation bands for Bonneville, The Dalles and John Day pools. CRITFC's net flights of the area found 466 nets, 157 of those in the Bonneville pool, 105 at The Dalles, and 204 at John Day.

For the fishery, the COE will operate Bonneville pool at 75-76.5 feet elevation as a hard constraint and 75-.5-76.5 as a soft constraint. The Dalles pool will be held at 158.5-160 feet as a soft constraint, and John Day from 262.5-265 feet. The tribal catch turned out to be undervalued, so the tribes can catch more fish. They plan to do so again the week of Oct. 7-10.
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation September 22nd, 2008, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 26th, 2008, Friday

BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. BON forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 100% of the time.

During the above time period TDA forebay operated within a range of 0.8 feet and was held within the hard and soft constraints 100% of the time. Also, during this same period of time the JD forebay was operated with a range of 0.8' and was held within the hard and soft constraints 99% of the time.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C8   Top of Page
11-Sep-2008 2008-C8 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

September 16th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 18th, 2008, Thursday.
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 . 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

At this time we anticipate perhaps one more treaty fishery in late September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation TMT reviewed the dates and elevation requests for Bonneville, The Dalles and John Day pools for SOR dated 11 September. The request was for 1' elevation constraints for all three pools from 9/9-12. Dittmer noted the exceptional job the COE has done in holding the pools fairly steady last week, with 602 total nets amongst the three pools. The COE inquired if the 1' constraint request for Bonneville pool was for the top 1' of the pool, or within a 1' near the top of the pool; CRITFC responded that they generally prefer the top, but if the operation is coordinated ahead of time the 1' constraint does not have to be at the top of the pool.

The COE planned to operate Bonneville pool under a 1' soft / 1.5' foot hard constraint. The Dalles pool will operate under a 1.5' soft constraint (158-159.5') and a 3' hard constraint (157.0-160.0 feet); special emphasis will be placed on meeting the soft constraint at The Dalles during the evening hours. The John Day pool will be operated under a 1.5' hard constraint (262.5-264').
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation September 16th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 18th, 2008, Thursday.

BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 99% of the time. BON forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 98% of the time. During the above time period TDA forebay operated within a range of 0.6. feet and was held within the hard and soft constraints 98.5% of the time. Also, during this same period of time the JD forebay was operated with a range of 0.9. and was held within the hard and soft constraints 99% of the time.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C7   Top of Page
5-Sep-2008 2008-C7 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

September 9th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 12th, 2008, Friday.
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 . 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation  
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation  
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-06   Top of Page
25-Aug-2008 2008-06 NMFS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, SBT, CRITFC, NPT Spill Operations at Little Goose Dam
1. SOR request Specifications:
Spill a continuous 11 Kcfs from Little Goose Dam as long as needed to stabilize spill, minimum powerhouse operations, and Minimum Operating Pool operations at Lower Monumental and Ice Harbor Dams. The Fisheries Agencies and Tribes will monitor adult passage at Little Goose Dam to ensure this operation does not negatively impact migrating adult salmonids.
2. Participants NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribe, the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, and the Nez Perce Tribe
3. TMT recommendation TMT members discussed options for addressing the issues, including “no unit” operations at Lower Monumental and/or Little Goose; staying with the current course of meeting spill criteria at Little Goose by cutting spill downstream; adjusting or setting a fixed flow (e.g. 11 kcfs) out of Little Goose to minimize the effects and stabilize MOP pools. TMT members acknowledged that there are uncertainties around impacts to adult fish passage with this last option. BPA shared information regarding grid stability concerns associated with the “no unit” operation and said it would take two days to run an analysis for this option. COE added that coordination with all the Columbia River tribes regarding MOP operations at Little Goose was still underway; CRITFC said that he would assist with the communication process.
4. AA decision Spill a continuous 11 kcfs from Little Goose Dam as long as needed to stabilize spill, minimum powerhouse operations, and Minimum Operating Pool operations at Lower Monumental and Ice Harbor Dams. Ice Harbor and Lower Monumental at minimum generation/spill until forebays reach upper .5' of MOP. Little Goose at 30% spill, toggling between a 1 and 2 unit operation. Lower Granite in compliance with the spill program, at 18.4 kcfs plus spill. SOR 2008-6 was implemented at 1300 hours on 8/26 and was helping with MOP and fluctuation issues experienced during the past week. The project held outflows at 11 kcfs until 2400 hours on 8/31.
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation Implemented at 1300 hours on 8/26 and was helping with MOP and fluctuation issues experienced during the past week. The project will continue to hold outflows at 11 kcfs until 2400 hours on 8/31.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C6   Top of Page
14-Aug-2008 2008-C6 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

August 19th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, August 22nd, 2008, Friday.
August 26th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, August 29th, 2008, Friday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

September 2nd, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 6th, 2008, Saturday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 . 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation  
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation  
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-05   Top of Page
5-Aug-2008 2008-05 WDFW, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC, NPT Dworshak Summer Operations; full implementation of the Biological Opinion
1. SOR request Specifications: The Action Agencies have advised that one of the regulating outlets at Dworshak Dam has malfunctioned and that the time and extent of repair is unknown at this time. Further, the Action Agencies have advised that this malfunction may limit the ability to draft Dworshak to elevation 1535 feet by August 31 as outlined in the 2004 Biological Opinion and 2008 Water Management Plan.

As a result of this malfunction there is a potential that the Dworshak Dam summer draft Biological Opinion measure will not be fully implemented, because the full volume will not be drafted from Dworshak by August 31. We are requesting that the Action Agencies analyze reservoir operations and system flexibility to provide migration conditions and benefits for juvenile migrants planned for in the Biological Opinion prior to August 31.
2. Participants Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Idaho Fish and Game, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, and the Nez Perce Tribe.
3. TMT recommendation The Salmon Managers requested the Action Agencies analyze reservoir operations and system flexibility to provide migration conditions and benefits for juvenile migrants as specified in the 2004 BiOP and 2008 Water Management Plan. The Nez Perce Tribe acknowledged the COE management efforts underway and stated that they recommend an operation that provides tailwater temperatures of no higher than 52° at Dworshak and 68° at Lower Granite and targets the end of August elevation of 1535' with as little negative impact to fish as possible. Several TMT members requested that the Action Agencies provide a list of all reasonable alternatives for providing desirable flows/temperatures for TMT members to consider at the 8/13 meeting. The COE indicated that policy makers would need to consider that request and clarified that senior level managers at Walla Walla District will weigh the risks of operating without full use of the emergency bulkhead and considering the potential failure of the seal on RO#1 via continued discussion over the next few days.
4. AA decision The AA decided to implement the SOR as requested.
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation Dworshak hit its end of August elevation target of 1535' at 0400 hours on 9/1. The COE implemented the Nez Perce /Dworshak Board plan for providing 200 kaf flow augmentation as discussed during the 8/27 TMT meeting. Outflows on 9/10 were 5 kcfs, with two small units in undershot mode; temperatures were in the range of 47-48°, meeting the Dworshak Hatchery recommendation.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C5   Top of Page
24-Jul-2008 2008-C5 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

July 28th, 2008, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, July 31st, 2008, Thursday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

This SOR will be the last one for the 2008 summer treaty fishery.

2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Monday, 28 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 31 July 2008. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 15 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 17 July 2008.

Also during the same time period try and hold TDA pool steady as possible, especially from 1900 - 0700 each day.
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation Monday, 28 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 31 July 2008. Bon forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. Bon forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 73% of the time.

During the above time period TDA forebay operated with a range of 1.8 feet. From 1900 July 28th to 0700 July 29th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 0.7 feet. From 1900 July 29th to 0700 July 30th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.4 feet. From 1900 July 30th to 0700 July 31st the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 0.9 feet.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C4   Top of Page
10-Jul-2008 2008-C4 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

July 15th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 17th, 2008, Thursday.

July 22nd, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 24th, 2008, Thursday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in July. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.

2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 15 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 17 July 2008. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 15 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 17 July 2008.

Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 22 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 24 July 2008. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 22 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 24 July 2008.

Also during the same time periods try and hold TDA pool steady as possible, especially from 1900 - 0700 each day.
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation 0600 Tuesday, 15 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 17 July 2008. BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. BON forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 85% of the time.

During the above time period TDA forebay operated with a range of 2.1 feet. From 1900 July 15th to 0700 July 16th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.0 feet. From 1900 July 17th to 0700 July 18th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.2 feet.

0600 Tuesday, 22 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 24 July 2008. BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. BON forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 80% of the time.

During the above time period TDA forebay operated with a range of 2.0 feet. From 1900 July 22nd to 0700 July 23rd the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 0.8 feet. From 1900 July 23rd to 0700 July 24th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.5 feet.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-MT-2   Top of Page
02-July-2008 2008-MT-2 Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Operation of Libby and Hungry Horse through September 2008
1. SOR request Specifications:
For the period from July through September operate Libby and Hungry Horse reservoirs to begin partial implementation of the 2008 NOAA Biological Opinion for the FCRPS as follows. Limit outflow fluctuations by operating to ramping rates set in 2000 USFWS Biological Opinion to avoid stranding bull trout.
  • Hungry Horse
    1. Refill the reservoir while minimizing the risk of filling and spilling.
    2. During the period July-September plan a stable outflow of 4.5 kcfs.
    3. Review this operation periodically to balance reservoir elevations and flow rates. Provide even or gradually-declining flows during summer months and minimize the risk of a double peak in flows during the summer.
    4. Limit voluntary spill to avoid exceeding Montana State TDG standards of 110% to the extent possible.
  • Libby
    1. During the period July- September plan the following stable outflows.
      June 21 - July 31             :   17 kcfs
      August 1 - August 31   :   12 kcfs
    2. Flows for September will be determined in August when more is known about runoff volumes and reservoir elevations.
    3. Review this operation periodically to balance reservoir elevations and flow rates. Provide even or gradually-declining flows during summer months and minimize the risk of a double peak in flows during the summer.
    4. Limit voluntary spill to avoid exceeding Montana State TDG standard of 110 %.
2. Participants Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks & Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
3. TMT recommendation • NOAA: For 2008 operations, in accordance with the court order to roll over 2007 operations, NOAA supports selecting a flow plan with the intent of drafting Libby 20' from full pool, based on the best available information as the season progresses.
• OR: Agree with NOAA’s interpretation of the intent behind 2007 operations; support the same intent for 2008, and Montana’s proposal does not appear to do that. Supports setting target flows today for both Libby and Hungry Horse that would achieve 20’ drafts by the end of August.
• ID: Support either the proposed operations for Libby in August – look to COE for their input.
• USFWS: No clear agency interpretation of intent behind 2007 operations at this point; no objection to 2007 rollover intent as described by NOAA.
• COE: agree that for 2007 flows were selected based on the elevation target for the end of August. The COE plans to operate Libby at 17 kcfs for the next two weeks, with the intent to draft 20' from full pool by the end of August.
• The BOR: will determine summer flows for Hungry Horse needed to achieve the 20' draft following refill (expected late next week); an early estimation is that flows may be set in the 6.3-6.7 kcfs range later in July and the BOR objective will be for as flat of a flow as possible.
• BPA: Agree with setting flow targets to even turbine loadings.
• MT: Given the response from the action agencies, will need to have further internal policy discussions; and there may be a need to elevate the issue to IT. Would be helpful if Hungry Horse flows could be established today, to provide the most flexibility for decision-making on this issue.
• Kootenai Tribe of Idaho: As a signatory to the SOR, supports Montana’s proposed operation.
• CRITFC: Supports rollover of 2007 operations, and supports Oregon’s interpretation and position.
4. AA decision The COE is committed to a rollover of the intent behind 2007 operations (drafting Libby to 2439' by the end of August). The COE remains open to the region reaching consensus for July and August operations. The COE would need to notify the court of operations decisions as adjustments are made in order to reach the end of August target elevation. The COE would need to operate to meet even turbine loading at Libby. The COE, informed TMT that flows for a three unit operation would be 15 kcfs.
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The project dropped outflows from 17 to 15 kcfs on 7/11, then shifted from 15 to14 kcfs at 2100 hours and down to 13 kcfs at 2200 hours on 7/12. As of 7/16, outflows at the project were holding at 13 kcfs, with an elevation of 2444.75'; inflows of 14.1 kcfs were filling the pool slightly.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C3   Top of Page
27-June-2008 2008-C3 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

July 1st, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 3rd, 2008, Thursday.

July 8th, 2008, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 10th, 2008, Thursday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in July. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.

2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 1 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 3 July 2008. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 1 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 3 July 2008.

Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 8 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 10 July 2008. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 8 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 10 July 2008.

Also during the same time periods try and hold TDA pool steady as possible, especially from 1900 - 0700 each day.
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation 0600 Tuesday, 1 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 3 July 2008. BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. BON forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 87% of the time.

During the above time period TDA forebay operated with a range of 1.9 feet. From 1900 July 1st to 0700 July 2nd the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.9 feet. From 1900 July 2nd to 0700 July 3rd the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.0 feet.

0600 Tuesday, 8 July 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 10 July 2008. Bon forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. Bon forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 87% of the time.

During the above time period TDA forebay operated with a range of 2.0 feet. From 1900 July 8th to 0700 July 9th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.5 feet. From 1900 July 9th to 0700 July 10th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 0.8 feet.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C2   Top of Page
13-June-2008 2008-C2 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

June 23rd, 2008, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, June 25th, 2008, Wednesday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in June and early July. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.

2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Monday, 23 June 2008 - 1800 hrs Wednesday, 25 June 2008. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Monday, 23 June 2008 - 1800 hrs Wednesday, 25 June 2008.

Also during the same time period try and hold TDA pool steady as possible, especially from 1900 - 0700 each day.
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation 0600 hrs Monday, 23 June 2008 - 1800 hrs Wednesday, 25 June 2008. BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. BON forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 82% of the time.

During the above time period TDA forebay operated with a range of 1.5 feet. From 1900 June 23rd to 0700 June 24 6th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.0 feet. From 1900 June 24th to 0700 June 25th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 0.7 feet.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-FWS2   Top of Page
06-June-2008 2008-FWS2 USFWS Phase II - 2008 Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation Flows
1. SOR request Specifications:
Given these conditions, and the gradually warming forebay water temperatures (Figure 3), the technical team recommends the following procedures to continue the sturgeon augmentation operation at Libby Dam for 2008:
  1. On Saturday, June 7, 8:00 a.m. Mountain Time, increase Libby Dam discharge from 21,300 cfs (4 turbines) to full powerhouse discharge following 2006 BiOp ramping rates.
  2. Maintain full power house discharge for 14 days.
  3. Decrease discharge to the summer flat flow level using the remainder of the augmentation volume in a gradually receding shape following 2006 BiOp ramping rates.
  4. Sturgeon Flow Planning Technical Team members strongly endorse the more normative summer flows recommended at Libby Dam in the 2008 NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion.
2. Participants US Fish and Wildlife Service
3. TMT recommendation Increase discharge from 4 units, full load to full powerhouse on June 7.
4. AA decision Same as TMT recommendation.
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation Increased discharge from 4 units, full load to full powerhouse on June 7.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-FWS1   Top of Page
30-May-2008 2008-FWS1 USFWS 2008 Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation Flows
1. SOR request Specifications:

Based on the May final April-August volume runoff forecast of 6.116 million acre-feet, we are within a tier 3 operations year for Kootenai River white sturgeon as defined in the Fish and Wildlife Service's February 2006 Biological Opinion (2006 BO) on operations of Libby Dam. The minimum recommended release volume for sturgeon conservation under these circumstances is 1,041 thousand acre-feet.

The selective withdrawal gate system at Libby Dam became temporarily inoperable on 22 May, 2008. At this time, temperature control is limited to the existing arrangement of gates stacked into place - 10 of 18 rows in slots 1 through 7 (providing water to turbines 1 through 4). There are also gates placed into slots 8 and 9, but no gates in slots 10 through 14 - thus temperature control through unit 5 is non-existent (drafting through unit 5 equates to drafting the coldest water available to the selective withdrawal system).

Given this condition, and the gradually warming forebay and river water temperatures (Figure 1), the technical team recommends the following procedures to beging the sturgeon augmentation operation at Libby Dam for 2008:

  1. On Sunday, June 1, increase Libby Dam outflow from 14,800 cfs to full powerhouse following 2006 BiOp ramping rates. This flow will allow necessary sediment sampling by USGS to be completed in the Bonners Ferry reach of the river, and will also allow for observation of the effects of mixing coldwater release through unit 5 (20%) with warmer water through units 1 through 4 (80%), to inform potential selective withdrawal modifications in the future.
  2. After 48 hours of full powerhouse flow, decrease flow to - 20,000 cfs (4 units at full load) through units 1 through 4.
  3. Continue flow of 20,000 cfs until selective withdrawal system functionality at Libby Dam is restored (approximately June 10).
  4. Additional recommendations will be provided when the selective withdrawal gate facilities at Libby Dam are fully operational, and when the technical team is able to reassess reservoir, river and sturgeon status - estimated assessment timeline is currently approximately 10 June.

It is recognized that increasing flows by drafting water through unit 5 may result in slight cooling of the Kootenai River downstream of Libby Dam. However, the condition will be temporary, and will occur prior to intentional operations to increase release temperature from Libby Dam, and should not have a substantially negative effect on sturgeon behavior at this time. The opportunity to allow for increasing forebay temperature, and increasing river temperature during the ensuing operation (i.e. 4 units), coupled with the eventual opportunity to continue to increase river temperature through use of the selective withdrawal system, is the basis of this portion of the sturgeon augmentation operation.

2. Participants US Fish and Wildlife Service
3. TMT recommendation Sunday, June 1, increase Libby Dam outflow from 14,800 cfs to full powerhouse following 2006 BiOp ramping rates. After 48 hours of full powerhouse flow, decrease flow to ~ 20,000 cfs (4 units at full load) through units 1 through 4. Continue flow of 20,000 cfs until selective withdrawal system functionality at Libby Dam is restored (approximately June 10).
4. AA decision Same as TMT recommendation.
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation June 1 increased outflow from 14,800 cfs to 26,600 cfs which was full powerhouse. Followed 2006 BiOp ramp rates. On June 3 decreased to 21,300 cfs (4 units at full load) through units 1 through 4. Maintained this flow until June 7 and increased back to 25,800 cfs which was full powerhouse. This flow increase was requested in SOR 2008-FWS2.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-04   Top of Page
27-May-2008 2008-04 NOAA, NMFS,ODFW,SBT,CRITFC,NPT Bonneville Dam Juvenile Bypass System
1. SOR request Specifications:
Reinstall at least one set of STS in one turbine unit To expedite resumption of screen bypass operations at Bonneville Dam, we recommend the COE reinstall at least one submersible traveling screen (STS) set in one turbine unit to gauge the debris level and effectiveness of implementing more aggressive cleaning. To aid in the operation of the bypass system greater effort is needed to clean vertical barrier screens (VBS) and the following techniques should be employed during the process. We define the more agressive VBS cleaning as one where the second VBS does not need to be installed while cleaning the first VBS.
  1. Prior to redeploying the STS, clean the gatewell without use of the 2nd screen and attempt to remove as much debris in the gatewell as possible.
  2. If debris is still a significant issue once the STSs are redeployed, proceed with more agressive VBS cleaning on a trial basis: clean once without the second VBS and then monitor to see if the system can be maintained using the standard debris removal procedure.
  3. When using the aggressive cleaning technique prior to removal of the VBS, reduce turbine loading as low as possible for approximately 1.5 hours to reduce the number of fish being guided as well as give the fish in the gatewell as much of an opportunity to egress as possible.
  4. Cross check with smolt monitoring to determine if debris issues continue to affect smolt condition. Since flows appear to be dropping, turbine loading could be reduced while keeping the bypass system operating. Smolt monitoring on Friday indicated that with lower turbine loading, smolt descaling decreased dramatically. This is especially important given the number of juvenile salmon passing the Lower Snake projects over the past week. These fish will arrive shortly at Bonneville, and turbine survival for steelhead is considered poor through the turbine units (e.g. 0.8785 as used in the COMPASS modeling). All protective efforts and actions should be implemented to assure that this peak of the Snake River as well as Upper and Middle Columbia juvenile salmon runs are provided safe passage through Bonneville Dam.
3. TMT recommendation Re-install STS screens in unit 11. Monitor debris and re-install additional screens as able. Proceed with aggressive screen cleaning procedure that does not require secondary VBS be installed in gatewell.
4. AA decision Agreed with TMT recommendation.
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation

STS screen re-installation:

May 28: Turbine unit 11 STS screens were re-installed as a means to monitor debris levels.

May 29: Vertical barrier screen (VBS) head differential criteria were exceeded in less than 24 hours after screen re-installation due to debris buildup; unit 11 screens were removed.

June 2: Turbine unit 11 STS screens were re-installed as a means to monitor debris levels.

June 5: Due to continuous debris buildup on unit 11 VBSs, unit 11 STS screens were removed.

June 9: Bonneville project staff considered re-installing unit 11 and 14 STS screens however, given that adult fish unit trash racks had accumulated similar debris that had caused plugging of the VBSs, the project opted to delay STS re-installation.

June 16: River discharge daily average at Bonneville Dam on June 15 had sufficiently receded (~316 kcfs) to begin re-installing STS screens. STS screens re-installed in units 12 and 14.

June 18: STS screens re-installed in units 13 and 16.

June 19: STS screens re-installed in units 17, 18, and 15.

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-03   Top of Page
20-May-2008 2008-03 NOAA, NMFS,IDFW,ODFW,WDFW,SBT,CRITFC,NPT Bonneville Dam Operations to Address Unacceptably High and Severe Descaling Rates
1. SOR request Specifications:
Descaling in smolts at Bonneville Dam has reached 19% in yearling Chinook in the sample completed May 20, 2008. In order to reduce severe descaling and probable increased mortality, the Salmon Managers recommend the following:
  • decrease total discharge in Powerhouse II at Bonneville Dam by reducing turbine operations to the lower end of the 1% efficiency range and,
  • maintain spill attempting to not exceed 125% TDGS at the Cascade Island monitor.
3. TMT recommendation Rather than follow SOR 2008-03, TMT members recommended that BII submersible traveling guidance screens (STSs) be removed from turbine intakes. This recommendation was made due to the steadily increasing debris load at Bonneville that required continuous cleaning of BII turbine unit vertical barrier screens. This course of action was recommended until river discharge level subsides and debris load becomes more manageable. Also, TMT members agreed that BII turbine units should operate at the top end of the ±1% efficiency range. With the significant amount of over-capacity spill occurring due to high river discharge, this turbine operation provision was specified as a means to help mitigate total dissolved gas (TDG) production caused by the excessive spill levels. Restricting turbine operation or shutting off BII turbine units would have caused the project to spill the corresponding amount, further elevating TDG levels above state water quality waiver limits.
4. AA decision Agreed with TMT recommendation
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation STS guidance screens were removed from BII units beginning at 1345 hours on May 21 and completed on May 23 at 1652 hours.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-C1   Top of Page
01-May-2008 2008-C1 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2008 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: May 5th, 2008, 6 am. Monday, through 6 pm, May 8th, 2008, Thursday.
  • Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
  • The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
  • John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in May. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
3. TMT recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC. Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Monday, 5 May 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 8 May 2008. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range, elevations 75.5 -76.5 feet, as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Monday, 5 May 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 8 May 2008.
Also during the same time period try and hold TDA pool steady as possible, especially from 1900 - 0700 each day.
4. AA decision  
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation From 0600 hrs Monday, 5 May 2008 - 1800 hrs Thursday, 8 May 2008. BON forebay elevation was held within the hard constraint 100% of the time. BON forebay elevation was held within the soft constraint 61% of the time.
During the above time period TDA forebay operated with a range of 1.9 feet. From 1900 May 5th to 0700 May 6th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 0.8 feet. From 1900 May 6th to 0700 May 7th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 0.9 feet. From 1900 May 7th to 0700 May 8th the TDA forebay was operated with a range of 1.5 feet.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-MT-1   Top of Page
01-May-2008 2008-MT-1 Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Use Albeni Falls, Grand Coulee, & Libby to achieve Minimum Flow Objective 180 kcfs at McNary Dam & Operate Libby & Hungry Horse for July thru Sep consistent with FCRPS Biological Opinion
1. SOR request Specifications:
Achieve minimum weekly flow objective of 180 Kcfs at McNary Dam until the 2008 spring freshet begins: (1) Pass inflows at Albeni Falls (Do not refill) until 2008 freshet begins. (2) Use a combination of Grand Coulee and Libby Dam to augment flows as necessary to meet the 180 Kcfs minimum flow objective at McNary Dam until the spring 2008 freshet begins. (3) Review this operation at TMT meetings until the freshet increases weekly average flows to more than 180 kcfs at McNary.
  • Hungry Horse
    1. Follow VARQ flood control procedures. Refill by about June 30 each year (exact date to be determined during in-season management)
    2. Draft during July-September to a draft limit of 3550 feet (10 feet from full) by September 30, except in the driest 20 percentile of water conditions limit draft to 3540 feet (20 feet from full) when needed to meet lower Columbia flow augmentation objectives. If don't refill to the draft limit pass inflows or operate to meet minimum flows in the South Fork and Flathead River at Columbia Falls.
    3. Provide even or gradually-declining flows during summer months (minimize double peak).
    4. Limit spill to avoid exceeding Montana State TDG standards of 110% to the extent possible.
    5. Limit outflow fluctuations by operating to ramping rates set in 2000 USFWS Biological Opinion to avoid stranding bull trout.
  • Libby
    1. Follow VARG flood control procedures.
    2. Operate to provide tiered white sturgeon augmentation volumes to achieve habitat attributes for sturgeon spawning/recruitment consistent with the 2006 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Biological Opinion (BiOp) in May, June and July; shaped by Kootenai White Sturgeon Recovery Team in coordination with Regional Forum TMT.
    3. To provide for summer flow augmentation, refill by early July (exact date to be determined in-season), determined by available water supply and shape and spring flow operations, while also avoiding involuntary spill and meeting flood control objectives.
    4. Provide even or gradually declining flows following sturgeon flows during the summer months (minimize double peak) as determined through TMT in-season management.
    5. Draft to 10 feet from full pool by the end of September (except in lowest 20th percentile water years, as measured at The Dalles, when draft will increase to 20 feet from full by end of September). If project fails to refill to draft limit, maintain mimumum flow in the Kootenai River.
    6. Meet minimum flow requirements for bull trout from May 15 to September 30 as described in the USFWS 2006 Libby Biological Opinion and 4,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) in October through April for resident fish.
    7. Limit spill to avoid exceeding Montana State TDG standard of 110%, when possible, and in a manner consistent with the Action Agencies' responsibilities for ESA-listed resident fish.
    8. Limit outflow fluctuations by operating to ramping rates set in the 2006 USFWS Biological Opinion to avoid stranding bull trout.
2. Participants Montana
3. TMT recommendation Pass inflow at Albeni Falls, draft Grand Coulee and increase Libby discharges to achieve at least 180,000 cfs at McNary Dam until the freshet starts. Discuss the Montana Plan operation at a later date.
4. AA decision Same as TMT recommendation.
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation Passed inflow at Albeni Falls, drafted Grand Coulee (as needed) and increased Libby discharges from 4 to 9 kcfs. McNary discharges averaged about 186,000 cfs between 29 April and 6 May. The freshet started after May 6 and McNary discharges ranged between 221,000 and 402,000 cfs the rest of the month of May.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-02   Top of Page
29-Apr-2008 2008-02 NOAA, MNFS, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC Use Albeni Falls, Grand Coulee, and Libby to achieve a Minimum Flow Objective of 180 kcfs at McNary Dam
1. SOR request Specifications:
Use the following operations to achieve a minimum flow objective of 180 Kcfs at McNary Dam until the 2008 spring freshet begins: (1) Pass inflows at Albeni Falls (Do not refill) until 2008 freshet begins. (2) Use a combination of Grand Coulee and Libby Dam to augment flows as necessary to meet the 180 Kcfs minimum flow objective at McNary Dam until the spring 2008 freshet begins.
2. Participants NOAA, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC
3. TMT recommendation Pass inflow at Albeni Falls, draft Grand Coulee and increase Libby discharges to achieve at least 180,000 cfs at McNary Dam until the freshet starts.
4. AA decision Same as TMT recommendation.
5. IT recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation Passed inflow at Albeni Falls, drafted Grand Coulee (as needed) and increased Libby discharges from 4 to 9 kcfs. McNary discharges averaged about 186,000 cfs between 29 April and 6 May. The freshet started after May 6 and McNary discharges ranged between 221,000 and 402,000 cfs the rest of the month of May.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2008-01   Top of Page
26-Feb-2008 2008-01 IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, SBT, CRITFC, NPT Spill 100 Kcfs at Bonneville Dam for four days following the March Spring Creek Hatchery Release
1. SOR request Specifications: In support of the Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery release of 7.5 million tule fall Chinook beginning on March 5, 2008, the Salmon Managers listed above requested the following operations at the Bonneville Project:
  1. Begin operation of the corner collector on March 5, 2008;
  2. Beginning March 5, monitor sub-samples at the Hamilton Island Juvenile Monitoring Facility (JMF). When sub-sampling at the JMF indicates large numbers of subyearling Chinook have reached Bonneville Dam, contact COE Reservoir Control Center to begin the spill operation, but begin spill no later than 1800 hours on March 6, 2008;
  3. Operate the Bonneville Project to maintain a minimum 15.5 foot tailwater elevation beginning with the initiation of spill on March 5 or 6;
  4. Spill at 100 kcfs during daytime hours and 100 kcfs during nighttime hours (the same levels as included in the 2007 Operation Agreement for spring spill) for a four day period from the initiation of spill (96 hours);
  5. No operation of unscreened units at Bonneville Powerhouse II and follow the turbine operating priority in the Fish Passage Plan.
  6. Operate Powerhouse II as first priority. Fully load PH II before operating PH I.
  7. Operate turbine units toward the low end of the 1% range of peak efficiency.
  8. Minimum Gap Runner (MGR) units will operate at PH1 on a first on/last off basis when that powerhouse operates. FPP unit operating priorities will be used.
  9. Operate juvenile and adult facilities according to criteria.
  10. Reduce spill if the total dissolved gas concentration measurements exceed the 12-hour average 120% total dissolved gas limit, measured at the Bonneville Dam TDG tailrace monitor, as prescribed under the dissolved gas waiver from the state of Oregon and the Washington adjusted TDG standards.
  11. Maintain a maximum level of 105% TDG (factored for depth compensation) at the chum salmon redds at the Ives Island complex and on the Oregon shore at Multnomah Falls.
  12. The Action Agencies should use the flexibility in the system to implement this SOR without jeopardizing the April 10th rule curve elevations called for by the Biological Opinion.
2. Participants Idaho Fish and Game, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, and Nez Perce Tribe.
3. TMT recommendation TMT could not come to agreement, Oregon elevated to IT.
4. AA decision Follow specifications of SOR 2008-01, except specification 3 and 4.
5. IT recommendation IT could not come to agreement, Oregon elevated to Executives.Prior to the Executives meeting to discuss SOR 2008-01, the Action Agencies developed a proposed operation in collaboration with representatives from the Warm Springs Tribe, the Yakama Indian Nation, the Nez Perce Tribe, and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. This proposed operation was then shared with the States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The Action Agencies considered their input and concerns in refining the proposed operation. The primary biological concern of the parties was the overcrowding in gatewells and the bypass system that would likely occur due to the significant number of fish being released directly above the dam over such a short time frame. In the interest of compromise and optimizing conditions for Spring Creek fish, the Action Agencies agreed to spill immediately after the fish release. Based on advice from NOAA Fisheries and the Action Agencies, it was believed that a spill of approximately 35 kcfs would help alleviate the bypass overcrowding concern. In the future, the Federal agencies will work with the sovereign parties to stagger fish releases to minimize crowding at the gatewells. In addition, it is an Action Agency priority to reprogram the Spring Creek Hatchery production so that this March release and corresponding special operations for this release are no longer necessary. A mutual commitment is expected from the sovereign parties to join us in supporting and implementing Spring Creek reprogramming as early as 2010, but no later than 2012. After fully considering the technical input received and subsequent policy discussion, the Corps agreed to operate the Bonneville project in the following manner:
6. AA decision (after IT)
Starting on March 5 at 1600 hours: Operate the second powerhouse corner collector (5 kcfs discharge).Starting on March 6 at 0600 hours:
  1. Operate the second powerhouse as first priority.
  2. Operate fish passage facilities in accordance with the Fish Passage Plan (FPP).
  3. Operate second powerhouse turbine units toward the low end of the 1% of best efficiency range until 0600 hours March 10.
  4. Operate first powerhouse Minimum Gap Runner (MGR) units on a first on/last off basis when that powerhouse operates, and operate the units within the 1% of best efficiency range. Follow FPP unit operating priorities at both powerhouses.
Starting midnight on March 6 and ending at 0600 hours on March 10, provide approximately 36.4 kcfs spill using a modified spill pattern that will provide good fish passage conditions. In addition, 2 kcfs spill will be provided during daytime hours at the end spill bays for adult fish attraction, according to the FPP. Every other spillbay will be open 2 ft at spillbays 3-17. Adequate flows will be provided to protect incubating chum salmon downstream of Bonneville Dam from the effects of elevated TDG levels.
7. Actual Operation Corner Collector Operation: The BII corner collector began operation for the 2008 fish passage season at approximately 1600 hours on March 5. The corner collector will be operated and will continue to operate (short-term outages for various maintenance activities may occur) until August 31, 2008 as specified in the 2008 Fish Operations Plan.

Spill Operation: Bonneville project began spilling approximately 36.4 kcfs (range: 34.6 - 38.2 kcfs) at 2359 hours on March 6 and continued until 0600 hours on March 10. Hourly total dissolved gas levels measured at the Warrenton TDG monitoring site exceeded the maximum 105% depth compensated level specified for Ives Island Complex Chum salmon redds for a total of two hours (1600-1800 hours) the afternoon of March 8 and one hour (1600-1700 hours) the afternoon of March 9. Minimum Bonneville project tailwater was specified to be at or above a minimum of 12.5' measured at Tanner Creek from 2359 hours on March 6 until 1334 hours on March 7. Actual tailwater elevation during this time ranged from 12.1' - 15.9'. On March 7 at 1334 hours, Bonneville project minimum tailwater specification was amended to a minimum of 13.0' through the end of the spill operation for Spring Creek fish. Actual tailwater elevation from 1334 hours on March 7 through the end of the operation on March 10 at 0600 hours ranged from 13.0 - 14.4 feet.

Turbine Operation: BII turbines were operated within the lower quarter of the ±1% peak efficiency range in an effort to reduce gatewell turbulence and thus minimize the potential for injury to occur to Spring Creek fish passing through the juvenile screened bypass system. This operation began at 0600 hours on March 6 and continued through 0600 hours on March 10. This turbine operation was subsequently extended and resumed at 1400 hours on March 10 and continuing until March 13 at 1700 hours.
8. If different from AA decision, why?