Date        SOR #   Submitted by Subject Disposition
26-Feb-2008 2008-01 IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, SBT, CRITFC, NPT Spill 100 Kcfs at Bonneville Dam for four days following the March Spring Creek Hatchery Release D2008-01
29-Apr-2008 2008-02 NOAA, NMFS, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC Use Albeni Falls, Grand Coulee, and Libby to achieve a Minimum Flow Objective of 180 kcfs at McNary Dam. D2008-02
01-May-2008 2008-MT-1 Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Use Albeni Falls, Grand Coulee, & Libby to achieve Minimum Flow Objective 180 kcfs at McNary Dam & Operate Libby & Hungry Horse for July thru Sep consistent with FCRPS Biological Opinion. D2008-MT-1
01-May-2008 2008-C1 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C1
20-May-2008 2008-03 NOAA, NMFS, IDFW, ODFW, WDFW, SBT, CRITFC, NPT Bonneville Dam Operations to Address Unacceptably High and Severe Descaling Rates D2008-03
27-May-2008 2008-04 NOAA, NMFS, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC, NPT Bonneville Dam Juvenile Bypass System D2008-04
30-May-2008 2008-FWS1 USFWS 2008 Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation Flows D2008-FWS1
06-Jun-2008 2008-FWS2 USFWS Phase II - 2008 Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation Flows D2008-FWS2
12-Jun-2008 2008-C2 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C2
27-Jun-2008 2008-C3 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C3
02-Jul-2008 2008-MT-2 Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Use Albeni Falls, Grand Coulee, & Libby to achieve Minimum Flow Objective 180 kcfs at McNary Dam & Operate Libby & Hungry Horse for July thru Sep consistent with FCRPS Biological Opinion. D2008-MT-2
10-Jul-2008 2008-C4 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C4
24-Jul-2008 2008-C5 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C5
5-Aug-2008 2008-05 WDFW, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC, NPT Dworshak Summer Operations; full implementation of the Biological Opinion D2008-05
14-Aug-2008 2008-C6 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C6
25-Aug-2008 2008-06 NOAA,NMFS,IDFG,ODFW,WDFW,SBT,CRITFC,NPT Spill Operations at Little Goose Dam D2008-06
05-Sep-2008 2008-C7 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C7
11-Sep-2008 2008-C8 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C8
19-Sep-2008 2008-C9 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C9
26-Sep-2008 2008-C10 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C10
6-Oct-2008 2008-C11 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery D2008-C11
7-Oct-2008 2008-FWS/IDFG-1 USFWS/IDFG Request to implement 2008-09 winter lake elevation of 2051 feet for Lake Pend Oreille Idaho
16-Oct-2008 2008-C12 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2008 Treaty Fishery
29-Oct-2008 2008-FWS3 USFWS Winter Temperature Operation of Libby Dam for Kootenai River Burbot

Fish Passage Center's System Operational Requests Page