15 August-2007 |
2007-C3 |
Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2007 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request |
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:
August 22nd, 2007, 6 am, Wednesday, through 6 pm, August 24th, 2007, Friday.
August 28th, 2007, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, August 31st, 2007, Friday.
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
September 4th, 2007, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 8th, 2007, Saturday.
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool
(msl elevation 76.5 - 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot
(msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot
(msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).
At this time we anticipate additional weeks of Treaty fishery
in September, depending on observed run counts and other factors.
CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal
fishery, after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants |
3. TMT recommendation |
As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC:
Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet,
as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Wednesday, 22 August 2007 - 1800
hrs Friday, 24 August 2007. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range,
elevations 75.5 - 76.5 feet, as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Wednesday,
22 August 2007 - 1800 hrs Friday, Friday, 24 August 2007.
Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet,
as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 28 August 2007 - 1800
hrs Friday, 31 August 2007. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range,
elevations 75.5 - 76.5 feet, as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs
Tuesday, 28 August 2007 - 1800 hrs Friday, 31 August 2007.
Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet,
as a hard constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday, 4 September 2007 - 1800
hrs Saturday, 08 September 2007. Hold BON pool within a 1.0 foot range,
elevations 75.5 - 76.5 feet, as a soft constraint from 0600 hrs Tuesday,
4 September 2007 - 1800 hrs Saturday, 08 September 2007.
4. AA decision |
5. IT recommendation |
6. AA decision (after IT) |
7. Actual Operation |
From 0600 hrs Wednesday, 22 August 2007 - 1800 hrs Friday,
24 August 2007. Bon forebay elevation was held within the hard
constraint 100% of the time. Bon forebay elevation was held
within the soft constraint 93% of the time.
From 0600 hrs Tuesday, 28 August 2007 - 1800 hrs Friday,
31 August 2007. Bon forebay elevation was held within the hard
constraint 100% of the time. Bon forebay elevation was held within
the soft constraint 86% of the time.
From 0600 hrs Tuesday, 4 September 2007 - 1800 hrs Saturday,
08 September 2007. Bon forebay elevation was held within the hard
constraint 100% of the time. Bon forebay elevation was held within
the soft constraint 100% of the time.
8. If different from AA decision, why? |