Date        SOR #     Submitted by Subject Disposition
30-Jan-2007 2007-01 USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NPT, SBT, CRITFC Grand Coulee Operations and Chum Flows D2007-01
27-Feb-2007 2007-02 ODFW, WDFW, SBT, CRITFC Spill at Bonneville Dam for the March Spring Creek Hatchery Release Spill Evaluation Study D2007-02
09-Mar-2007 2007-03 USFWS, ODFW, WDFW, NOAA Fisheries, SBT, CRITFC Bonneville Dam Operations D2007-03
21-Mar-2007 2007-04 ODFW, USFWS, SBT, CRITFC Early Spring Dworshak Operations D2007-04
26-Apr-2007 2007-05 ODFW, WDFW, IDFG, NOAA Fisheries, USFWS, SBT, CRITFC Bonneville Dam Operations for Spring Creek Hatchery Release on May 1, 2007 D2007-05
08-May-2007 2007-06 USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NOAA Fisheries, NPT, CRITFC Bonneville Dam Spill for Fish Passage According to the Court Order D2007-06
11-May-2007 2007-FWS1 USFWS 2007 Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation Flows D2007-FWS1
12-Jun-2007 2007-MT-1 Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks & Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Libby & Hungry Horse Operations for July through September D2007-MT-1
14-Jun-2007 2007-C1 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2007 Treaty Fishery D2007-C1
22-Jun-2007 2007-C2 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2007 Treaty Fishery D2007-C2
26-Jun-2007 2007-07 USFWS, ODFW, WDFW, NPT, CRITFC Libby 2007 and Hungry Horse Summer Operations D2007-07
15-Aug-2007 2007-C3 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2007 Treaty Fishery D2007-C3
6-Sep-2007 2007-C4 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2007 Treaty Fishery D2007-C4
24-Sep-2007 2007-C5 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2007 Treaty Fishery D2007-C5
25-Sep-2007 2007-USFWS/IDFG-1 USFWS/IDFG Request for the fall draw down of Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho during 2007, to enhance kokanee spawning success 2007-USFWS/IDFG-1
27-Sep-2007 2007-C6 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2007 Treaty Fishery D2007-C6
20-Nov-2007 2007-FWS2 USFWS Winter Temperature Operation of Libby Dam for Kootenai River burbot D2007-FWS2

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