Final 2012 Fish Passage Plan

March 1, 2012 - February 28, 2013

Complete Document 09-Mar-2012
2012 Fish Passage Plan (13 mb) [PDF] 
Individual Project Sections 01-Mar-2012
Table of Contents [PDF] 
Section 1 - Overview [PDF]  [MS Word]
Section 2 - Bonneville Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Section 3 - The Dalles Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
     Section 3 UPDATE - Table TDA-6. Spill Pattern. Revised 25-Jul-2012 [PDF]  [MS Word]
Section 4 - John Day Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Section 5 - McNary Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Section 6 - Ice Harbor Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Section 7 - Lower Monumental Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Section 8 - Little Goose Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Section 9 - Lower Granite Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendices 01-Mar-2012
Appendix A - Special Project Operations & Studies [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix B - Corps of Engineeers Juvenile Fish Transportation Plan [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix C - BPA System Load Shaping Guidelines Regarding Turbine Operation & Best Efficiency [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix D - Corps of Engineers Plan of Action for TDG Monitoring 2010-2014 [PDF] 
Appendix E - Fish Operations Plan (FOP) [PDF] 
Appendix F - Guidelines for Dewatering and Fish Handling (Salvage) Plans [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix G - Protocols for Adult Fish Trapping Operations at BON, IHR and LWG [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix H - Turbine Dewatering Procedure for Chief Joseph Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix I - Dworshak Dam Fish Protection Procedures for Turbine Maintenance [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix J - Protocols for Juvenile Monitoring Facility Operations at Bonneville Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix K - Protocols for Smolt Monitoring Facility Operations at John Day Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix L - List of Acronyms Used in the 2012 Fish Passage Plan [PDF]  [MS Word]

Draft 2012 Fish Passage Plan and Proposed Changes

Fish Passage Plan Homepage

To propose a change to the 2012 FPP, please send a Change Form ([MS Word] ) or a modified existing Change Form to the Fish Passage Plan Coordinator.
To ensure your proposed changes are captured accurately, please make all edits to existing text in track changes.