Date        SOR #   Submitted by Subject Disposition
23-Mar-2011 2011-01 Columbia River Towboat Association Lower Granite Pool held at MOP plus 2 feet April through August 2011-01
1-Apr-2011 2011-01 NMFS, USFWS, WDFW, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC Spill Priority List 2011-01
12-Apr-2011 2011-02 NMFS, USFWS, WDFW, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC Lower Monumental Spill Pattern 2011-02
16-May-2011 2011-FWS1 USFWS, IDFG 2011 Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation 2011-FWS1
14-Jun-2011 2011-C1 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C1
24-Jun-2011 2011-C2 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C2
30-Jun-2011 2011-C3 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C3
7-Jul-2011 2011-C4 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C4
19-Jul-2011 2011-03 NMFS, USFWS, WDFW, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC Nighttime Spill to the gas cap at Little Goose Dam 2011-03
13-Jul-2011 2011-C5 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C5
22-Jul-2011 2011-C6 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C6
1-Aug-2011 2011-C7 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C7
2-Aug-2011 2011-04 Kootenai Tribe of Idaho; Sue Ireland, Fish and Wildlife Department Director September/October 2011 Libby Dam Outflow for Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Project, Phase 1, Braided Reach 2011-04
8-Sep-2011 2011-C8 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C8
16-Sep-2011 2011-C9 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C9
23-Sep-2011 2011-C10 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C10
29-Sep-2011 2011-C11 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2011 Treatly Fishery 2011-C11
27-Sep-2011 USFWS/IDFG-2011-1 USFWS, IDFG Request to implement a 2011-2012 winter lake elevation of 2051’ and a 2012-2013 winter lake elevation of 2055’ for Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. USFWS/IDFG-2011-1
8-Nov-2011 2011-5 FPAC 2011 Bonneville Chum Operation 2011-5

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