19-Aug-2010 |
2010-C8 |
Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2010 Treaty Fishery |
1. SOR request |
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: August 24th, 2010, 6 am,
Tuesday, through 6 pm, August 27, 2010, Friday; August 30th, 2010, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 03,
2010, Friday and September 07, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 10, 2010, Friday Bonneville: Operate
the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within
a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the
treaty fishing period. At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in September. CRITFC will notify
the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants |
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation |
This SOR was uncontested by the TMT.
4. AA decision |
1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within
a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint for specified hours and dates exactly as described in the SOR. The
John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the
2008 BiOp, through September 30th.
5. IT recommendation |
6. AA decision (after IT) |
7. Actual Operation |
During the three separate treaty fishing periods, respectively lasting 84, 108 and 84 hours, associated
with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints:
Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period – 93% compliance,
first period and 100% for the latter two periods. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5
foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance. John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5
foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance.
8. If different from AA decision, why? |
The first treaty fishing period coincided with a special operation related to body retrieval operation
requiring a lower McNary Pool. This caused some unusual volume balances in the lower river and caused
Bonneville pool to exceed the 1.5 foot band for a total of six hours over the 84 hour interval, going .2
feet above the 1.5 foot band, for a total range of 1.7 feet during the first treaty fishing period.
TMT notes from August 25: The COE responded that they will issue guidance to operate the projects as
requested, noting that the 8/30-9/3 fishery week coincides with a system transition period to fall
targets for flow augmentation and fish operations. While this may pose a challenge, the COE committed
to doing its best to keep the pools within the range stated in the SOR. (*NOTE: TMT discussed other
system impacts on the treaty fishery during today’s meeting. See ‘Operations Review/Reservoirs’ notes
below for that summary.)