D2010-01   D2010-C1   D2010-C2   D2010-02   D2010-1   D2010-C3   D2010-03   D2010-C4   D2010-C5   D2010-C6   D2010-C7   D2010-C8   D2010-C9   D2010-C10   D2010-C11   D2010-USFWS/IDFG 2010-1   D2010-C12  


D2010-01   Top of Page
6-Apr-2010 2010-01 USDFW, SBT, CRITFC, NPT 2010 Low Flow Spill Operations at Bonneville Dam
1. SOR request Specifications:
Use all available options to provide an instantaneous 75 kcfs spill at Bonneville Dam over the beginning of the 2010 spill period, with an absolute minimum spill level of 50 kcfs. The following options should be considered:
  1. If necessary to meet the spill specifications with currently projected flows, immediately begin storing water in the John Day Pool while still maintaining a minimum flow of 100 kcfs at Bonneville Dam. Water can be stored through April 10, 2010 and released over the early portion of the spill period at Bonneville Dam as needed to provide a spill level of at least 50 kcfs up to the preferred 75 kcfs level. The John Day Pool can be drafted down to the bottom of Minimum Irrigation Pool (MIP) of 262.5 feet as needed to provide flows at Bonneville needed to achieve desired spill levels.
  2. Use the Bonneville Pool as needed to maintain the flow level for an instantaneous spill level at least 50 kcfs up to the preferred 75 kcfs level and to moderate daily fluctuations in discharge.
  3. Consider closing the Ice and trash Sluiceway at Bonneville Dam and the Bonneville Zero Unit in an effort to reduce the total flow needed to help achieve a spill level of at least 50 kcfs up to the preferred 75 kcfs spill level at Bonneville Dam. This operation should only last as long as the low flow period at Bonneville Dam.
2. Participants US Fish and Wildlife Service, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, and Nez Perce Tribe.
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, TMT members made the following recommendations:
Use all available options to provide an instantaneous 75 kcfs spill at Bonneville Dam over the beginning of the 2010 spill period, with an absolute minimum spill level of 50 kcfs. The following options should be considered:
  1. Idaho was not opposed to the SOR, but they were not comfortable with signing it.
  2. Oregon was not opposed to the SOR but they were not comfortable with signing it.
  3. NOAA was not opposed to the SOR but they were not comfortable with signing it.
  4. COE agreed with attempting to Bonneville pool to keep an instantaneous spill level of 50 Kcfs if conditions allowed. As recommended in SOR item 1 above it was not possible to store into John Day pool since the pool was already full at 264 and the BiOp stated John Day pool need to be at Minimum Irrigation Pool by 10 April. The COE did not support SOR item 3.
  5. BPA did not support SOR recommendation 1 above since 263.5 to 265 feet at John Day is an operational range and not a range that can be used as an augmentation flow to increase spill at Bonneville.
4. AA decision The AA decided to make efforts to keep spill above 50 kcfs at Bonneville but not to use storage in JDA, nor close the ice and trash sluiceway to achieve this goal. Per recommendations made at TMT on 4/7, if there were insufficient flows the COE would spill flows less than 50 kcfs.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation Per the SOR instantaneous spill levels have not dropped below 50 kcfs since April 10. The following are daily spill averages since April 10 and based on STP forecast data, spill will continue an increasing trend (April 10, 72.3; April 11, 80.2; April 12, 67.3; April 13, 67.0; April 14, 69.0). Due to the low water year the COE has not been able to provide an instantaneous spill of 75 kcfs at Bonneville.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C1   Top of Page
23-Apr-2010 2010-C1 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: April 27th, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, April 29th, 2010, Thursday. Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo) :Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day : Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in May. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT. It was noted that the requested operation this year was different than in previous years, where a top one foot hard constraint for all three pools had been requested.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Exact language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated “operate with a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint from 0600 hours Tuesday, 27 April – 1800 hours on Thursday, 29 April, 2010 during Treaty Fishing.” The John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the 2008 BiOp.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the 60 one hour intervals associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-02   Top of Page
11-May-2010 D2010-02 NMFS, USFWS, WDFW, IDFG, ODFW, and SBT 2010 Dworshak Operations
1. SOR request Specifications:
Increase outflows at Dworshak Dam to full powerhouse capacity (10-10.5 Kcfs) for a three day period during the week of May 17th, 2010 with the objective of increasing Snake River flows during the anticipated peak of the hydrograph. After this operation, Dworshak outflows were reduced to the level needed to achieve refill of Dworshak Reservoir by June 30th, 2010. COE modeling indicated that approximately 30 Ksfd of flexibility was be available at Dworshak Reservoir and still refill by June 30th, 2010. Salmon Managers acknowledge the additional risk that providing a 30 Ksfd pulse may put on the refill of Dworshak Reservoir, but are willing to risk the possibility of being below full for the benefit this pulse of water would have on juvenile migrants.
2. Participants NMFS, USFWS, BOR, BPA, CRITFC/Umatilla Tribe, COE, WDFW, IDFG, and ODFW.
3. TMT recommendation During the May 17, 2010, TMT meeting a poll was conducted on the SOR as stated above and the following participants had the following responses to the operation:

1. ODFW: ok
2. ID: ok
3. WA: ok, appreciate discussion of how to best meet intent of the SOR
4. CRITFC/Umatilla Tribe: ok
5. USFWS: ok
6. NOAA: ok
7. BOR: ok
8. BPA: ok
9. COE:ok
4. AA decision The AA implemented the SOR as requested.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The operation occurred from May 19-21st and the dam released full powerhouse flows as described in the SOR. The peak flow out of Lower Granite was 106 kcfs on May 20th, averaging 100 kcfs while coinciding with the natural flow peak. An increase in juvenile fish passage was observed at all Snake River projects and was in fact, quite substantial in some places. Juvenile fish were in the reservoir as hoped and these assisting flows, which coincided with the natural peak, were just the queue they needed to migrate out of the area. NMFS and the COE agreed that it was a well-executed and successful SOR.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-03   Top of Page
15-Jun-2010 D2010-03 NMFS, USFWS, WDFW, IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC, and NPT Bonneville Powerhouse Two Unit Operations
1. SOR request Specifications:
As long as debris loads associated with high flows are causing problems with keeping screens cleaned properly at Bonneville Dam, reduce flows through Bonneville Powerhouse Two units to the low to mid range of peak efficiency (approximately 14 Kcfs) and spill the excess water.

Juvenile salmonids have recently been seen with elevated instances of descaling and mortality at Bonneville Dam. Attempts to alleviate this problem with more frequent cleaning of the vertical barrier screens (beginning 6/12/10) do not appear to have solved this problem.

Subyearling Chinook currently dominate the sample at Bonneville Dam. Descaling rates for subyearling Chinook have increased from 2.1% to 5.8% between June 12th and June 14th. Although Sockeye descaling and mortality are very high, numbers are declining in the samples and passage will likely decrease rapidly over the next week.

The Fish Passage Advisory Committee (FPAC) believes that reducing the flow through Powerhouse Two units to the low to mid range of peak efficiency (approximately 14 Kcfs per unit) will reduce currently elevated rates of descaling and mortality at Bonneville Dam.
2. Participants National Marine Fisheries Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, and the Nez Perce Tribe
3. TMT recommendation During the June 16, 2010, TMT meeting a poll was conducted on the SOR as stated above and the following participants had the following responses to the operation:

1. Idaho – support
2. Montana – support
3. Oregon – support
4. CTUIR – support
5. USFWS – support
6. BOR – support
7. BPA – no objection, but prefers to avoid exceeding gas caps at the project
8. COE – supports, with the caveat that need to revisit when the test is planned to begin.
4. AA decision The Corps implemented the SOR as requested.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation On June 16 the Corps implemented the SOR as requested. On June 21 the Corps achieved the criteria identified in the SOR and ended the operation. On June 22 flows increased and at the request of NMFS the Corps reinstated the SOR operation. On July 2 the Corps achieved the criteria identified in the SOR and ended the operation.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-1   Top of Page
18-May-2010 2010-1 USFWS 2010 Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation Flows
1. SOR request Specifications:
Based on the May final April-August volume runoff forecast of 4.887 million acre-feet, we are within a Tier 2 operations year for Kootenai River white sturgeon as defined in the Fish and Wildlife Service’s February 2006 Biological Opinion (2006 BO) on operations of Libby Dam. The minimum recommended release volume for sturgeon conservation under these circumstances is 0.80 million acre-feet, and we recommend the following procedures for discharge of at least this minimum volume from Libby Dam:

Ascending Limb/Peak: Once Kootenai River temperatures at Bonners Ferry reach 8° C, and Koocanusa Reservoir elevation reaches at least 2,415’, and at least one tagged F4 sturgeon is positioned at Ambush Rock, and the forebay of Koocanusa Reservoir warms such that 20-35,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) can be released through the turbines and over the spillway without decreasing Libby Dam release temperatures by more than 1.5° C, increase discharge from Libby Dam (according to ramping rates in the 2006 BO) to 20,000 cfs for one day.

Peak: After one day of flow at powerhouse capacity, begin spill of up to 10,000 cfs above powerhouse capacity.

Descending Limb: At about 6:00 AM, following 7 days of peak outflow, reduce discharge from Libby Dam to full powerhouse capacity for 1 day, then to 20,000 cfs for at least 1 day, following 2006 BO ramping rates.

A continued effort is needed to provide spawning and incubation flows to meet habitat attributes for depth, velocity and temperature in the Kootenai River as defined in the 2008 BO Clarified Reasonable and Prudent Alternative (RPA) for Kootenai River white sturgeon.

Spring operations at Libby Dam were adjusted to provide higher reservoir elevations in order to increase the likelihood of conducting a spill test for sturgeon in 2010. Consequently, approximately 260 KAF was stored in Koocanusa Reservoir, some of which may cause outflow to be higher than what is described above during sturgeon flow augmentation. Only the flows stated under this SOR will be accounted for against the sturgeon volume of 0.8 MAF.
2. Participants US Fish and Wildlife Service
3. TMT recommendation TMT members did not object to the SOR.
4. AA decision The Corps implemented the SOR as written.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation Beginning on June 8th the VarQ baseline started increasing to the powerhouse capacity of 26 kcfs based on the head at Libby Dam. From June 10th – 17th the spill portion occurred which was TDG limited and then limited by head in the reservoir on the 14th and 15th. After the pulse flows in the VarQ baseline were ramped down to 7 kcfs by June 30th.

The actual releases were augmented by the 260 KAF being released around the pulse. The releases began June first above the VarQ baseline to 17.7 kcfs and augmented the 2 days of spill when head limited the spill in the VarQ baseline. After the spill the 260 KAF was used above the sturgeon releases and ramped down to 7 kcfs by July 15th.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C2   Top of Page
10-May-2010 2010-C2 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: May 11th, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, May 14th, 2010, Friday. Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation TMT members did not object to the SOR.
4. AA decision Consistent with the SOR the AA’s decided to: 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint, 2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and 3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The Corps complied with the specifications identified in the SOR. During the 85 one hour intervals associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time: 1) Bonneville, operated the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period, 2) The Dalles (Celilo), operated the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period, and 3) John Day, operated the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C3   Top of Page
11-June-2010 2010-C3 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: June 16th, 2010, 6 am, Wednesday, through 6 pm, June 18th, 2010, Friday. June 22nd, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, June 24th, 2010, Thursday. Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation TMT members did not object to the SOR.
4. AA decision Consistent with the SOR the AA’s decided to: 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint, 2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and 3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The Corps complied with the specifications identified in the SOR. During the 122 one hour intervals associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time: 1) Bonneville, operated the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period, 2) The Dalles (Celilo), operated the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period, and 3) John Day, operated the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C4   Top of Page
25-Jun-2010 2010-C4 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: June 29th, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 01, 2010, Thursday and again July 6th, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 8th, 2010, Thursday. Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo) :Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day : Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in May. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT. It was noted that the requested operation this year was different than in previous years, where a top one foot hard constraint for all three pools had been requested.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint from 0600 hours Tuesday, 29 June – 1800 hours on Thursday, 01 July and again from 0600 hours Tuesday, 06 July– 1800 hours Thursday, 08 July 2010 during Treaty Fishing. The John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the 2008 BiOp.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the 60 one hour intervals associated with the SOR for June 29-July 01, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 97% of the time:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- Max pool range 1.8 feet, 97% compliance The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance.

60 one hour intervals associated with the SOR for July 06 - July 08, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C5   Top of Page
8-Jul-2010 2010-C5 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: July 13th, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 15, 2010, Thursday. Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo) :Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day : Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in May. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT. It was noted that the requested operation this year was different than in previous years, where a top one foot hard constraint for all three pools had been requested.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint from 0600 hours Tuesday, 13 July – 1800 hours on Thursday, 15 July 2010 during Treaty Fishing. The John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the 2008 BiOp.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the 60 one hour intervals associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C6   Top of Page
16-Jul-2010 2010-C6 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: July 20th, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 22, 2010, Thursday. Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo) :Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in May. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT. It was noted that the requested operation this year was different than in previous years, where a top one foot hard constraint for all three pools had been requested.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint from 0600 hours Tuesday, 20 July – 1800 hours on Thursday, 22 July 2010 during Treaty Fishing. The John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the 2008 BiOp.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the 60 one hour intervals associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C7   Top of Page
23-Jul-2010 2010-C7 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: July 27th, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 29, 2010, Thursday. Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo) :Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day : Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in May. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT. It was noted that the requested operation this year was different than in previous years, where a top one foot hard constraint for all three pools had been requested.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint from 0600 hours Tuesday, 27 July – 1800 hours on Thursday, 29 July 2010 during Treaty Fishing. The John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the 2008 BiOp.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the 60 one hour intervals associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C8   Top of Page
19-Aug-2010 2010-C8 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: August 24th, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, August 27, 2010, Friday; August 30th, 2010, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 03, 2010, Friday and September 07, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 10, 2010, Friday Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint for specified hours and dates exactly as described in the SOR. The John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the 2008 BiOp, through September 30th.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the three separate treaty fishing periods, respectively lasting 84, 108 and 84 hours, associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period – 93% compliance, first period and 100% for the latter two periods. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance. John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance.

8. If different from AA decision, why? The first treaty fishing period coincided with a special operation related to body retrieval operation requiring a lower McNary Pool. This caused some unusual volume balances in the lower river and caused Bonneville pool to exceed the 1.5 foot band for a total of six hours over the 84 hour interval, going .2 feet above the 1.5 foot band, for a total range of 1.7 feet during the first treaty fishing period. TMT notes from August 25: The COE responded that they will issue guidance to operate the projects as requested, noting that the 8/30-9/3 fishery week coincides with a system transition period to fall targets for flow augmentation and fish operations. While this may pose a challenge, the COE committed to doing its best to keep the pools within the range stated in the SOR. (*NOTE: TMT discussed other system impacts on the treaty fishery during today’s meeting. See ‘Operations Review/Reservoirs’ notes below for that summary.)


D2010-C9   Top of Page
9-Sep-2010 2010-C9 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: September 13, 2010, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 17, 2010, Friday: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. At this time we anticipate additional treaty fisheries in September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint for specified hours and dates exactly as described in the SOR. The John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the 2008 BiOp, through September 30th.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the treaty fishing period, lasting 108 hours, associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period – 100% compliance. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance. John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance.

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C10   Top of Page
24-Sep-2010 2010-C10 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: September 27, 2010, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 29, 2010, Wednesday: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint for specified hours and dates exactly as described in the SOR. The John Day pool is operated in a 1.5 foot band under a separate CBT special operation as required by the 2008 BiOp, through September 30th.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the treaty fishing period, lasting 60 hours, associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period – 100% compliance. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance. John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance.

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C11   Top of Page
8-Oct-2010 2010-C11 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: October 11, 2010, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, October 13, 2010, Wednesday: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint for specified hours and dates exactly as described in the SOR. A separate CBT was not sent for John Day, however the John Day pool is normally operated in a 1.5 foot band or less during routine fall, low flow period operations.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the treaty fishing period, lasting 60 hours, associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period – 100% compliance. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance. John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance.

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-USFWS/IDFG 2010-1   Top of Page
12-Oct-2010 USFWS/IDFG 2010-1 USFWS/IDFG Request to implement a 2010-2011 winter lake elevation of 2055’ for Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho
1. SOR request Specifications:
Draw Lake Pend Oreille down to a winter minimum control elevation (MCE) no lower than 2055’ while minimizing or eliminating the need to spill at Albeni Falls Dam. During the past four years, kokanee spawning has commenced around November 8-10 (earlier than years prior). We therefore request that the drawdown be completed by November 8 if reasonably possible. If this is not possible, the MCE should be reached no later than November 15 and should not be dropped below this elevation for the duration of the winter. This proposed operation is not anticipated to cause exceedence of the state maximum total dissolved gas standards at downstream projects barring unforeseen circumstances. The lake will then be held within 0.5’ above the MCE to the end of kokanee spawning [monitored by Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG)] or December 31, whichever comes first.
2. Participants Idaho Department of Fish and Game and US Fish and Wildlife Service.
3. TMT recommendation TMT members did not object to the SOR.
4. AA decision The Corps implemented the SOR as written.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The AA’s implemented the action as requested. The Lake Pend Oreille gauge (HOPI) reading gauge reading on 1 November at 0000 hours was 2055.99 feet. The AA’s maintained this operation through November. The gauge reading on 30 November at 0000 hours was 2055.3 feet. On December 17 the IDFG declared and end to kokanee spawning in Lake Pend Oreille.

8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2010-C12   Top of Page
8-Oct-2010 2010-C12 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2010 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following pool operations as a hard system constraint, as follows: October 19, 2010, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, October 22, 2010, Wednesday: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation This SOR was uncontested by the TMT.
4. AA decision 1) Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard constraint,
2) The Dalles under a 1.5’ hard constraint, and
3) John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. Language in the CBT sent by the Corps stated operate within a 1.5 foot band, hard constraint for specified hours and dates exactly as described in the SOR. A separate CBT was not sent for John Day, however the John Day pool is normally operated in a 1.5 foot band or less during routine fall, low flow period operations.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the treaty fishing period, lasting 84 hours, associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints:

Bonneville: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period – 100% compliance. The Dalles (Celilo): Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance. John Day: Operate the pool within a 1.5 foot band during the treaty fishing period -- 100% compliance.

8. If different from AA decision, why?