18-Aug-2009 |
2009-C5 |
Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer
2009 Treaty Fishery |
1. SOR request |
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as
1)August 24th, 2009, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, August 27th, 2009,
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
2)August 31, 2009, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 4th, 2009,
3)September 8, 2009, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 12th, 2009,
Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot from full pool (msl
elevation 76.5 - 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot (msl elevation
159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).
At this time CRITFC anticipates additional treaty fisheries in September.
CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal
fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants |
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation |
After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following
modifications to the request:
- Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1 soft constraint,
- The Dalles under a 3 hard/1.5 soft constraint, and
- John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were
based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery
SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed
4. AA decision |
- Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
- The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
- John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation |
6. AA decision (after IT) |
7. Actual Operation |
100% of the time (909 hours associated with the implementation of SOR
2009-C5 at the three projects: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day),
the Corps maintained the hard constraints the Corps identified at TMT:
- Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 76.5 - 78.0')/1' soft (elevation
76.5 - 77.5') constraint,
- The Dalles 3' hard (elevation 157-160')/1.5' soft (elevation 158 -
159.5') constraint, and
- John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 - 264').
8. If different from AA decision, why? |