D2009-01   D2009-02   D2009-03   D2009-04  

D2009-C1   D2009-C2   D2009-C3   D2009-C4   D2009-C5   D2009-C6   D2009-C7   D2009-C8  

D2009-FWS1   D2009-USFWS/IDFG-2009-1  


D2009-01   Top of Page
11-Mar-2009 2009-01 WDFW, ODFW, NPT Bonneville Second Powerhouse Corner Collector Operation
1. SOR request Specifications:
Immediately begin operation of the Bonneville Second Powerhouse corner collector on Thursday, March 12, 2009 after completion of the BGS inspection and divers are out of the water, and and maintain its use throughout the spill season. This is considered part of the roll-over of 2008 operations.
2. Participants Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Nez Perce Tribe.
3. TMT recommendation OR: although there are many benefits associated with operating the B2CC, they should be balanced with meeting April 10 refill targets at Grand Coulee and providing depth compensation for chum redds. If B2CC could be operated in a way that TDG could be managed to protect chum redds, OR would support that. OR would like to see system operations managed in a way that this proposed operation could be a viable option in the future.

WA: support those statements made by OR. Given the discussion today, the Action Agencies may not be set up to perform the requested operation at this point. Would like this option to be considered in the future.

ID: support downstream Salmon Managers’ positions; concerned about risks to April 10 refill, as it is critical for good out migrating conditions later in the year. If there was a way to meet April 10 refill and operate the B2CC in a way that provided good conditions for steelhead kelts, ID would support that, but not at the risk of missing April 10 refill.

BOR: priority is for meeting April 10 refill at Grand Coulee; if this can happen, BOR does not object to the proposed operation.

NOAA: appreciate the opportunity to have the conversation this year, as the data and discussions will help inform operational decisions to support steelhead kelt passage in future years.

CRITFC: it is unfortunate that a series of crane-related events have minimized flexibility around operations for this year.
4. AA decision COE, shared follow up information that as a result of continued regional discussions, the COE plans to open the corner collector on the morning of April 3rd. A crane had become available for use at the project and the OR state waiver began on 4/1, superseding the 105% standard.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The COE opened the corner collector on the morning of April 3rd.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-02   Top of Page
12-Mar-2009 2009-02 NMFS, USFWS, WDFW, IDFG, and ODFW Dworshak Operations to Provide Improved Migration Conditions in the Snake River
1. SOR request Specifications:
Increase outflow at Dworshak Dam to full powerhouse capacity (10 kcfs) for up to a five day period beginning immediately and tentatively continuing through Sunday, May 17th, as needed to help achieve a Snake River flow at Lower Granite Dam of 100 kcfs. Use Dworshak only to the extent necessary to achieve the 100 kcfs flow.

Increased outflow at Dworshak Dam will aid in the passage of yearling Chinook and steelhead in the Lower Snake River. The passage indices of combined yearling Chinook and steelhead have been changing in response to changes in flow. The cumulative passage graphs indicate that based on historic data both the yearling Chinook and steelhead migrations are just past the midway point in their migration at Lower Granite Dam.
2. Participants National Marine Fisheries Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
3. TMT recommendation
  1. Paul Wagner, NOAA: the request was intended to support steady flows through this weekend, acknowledge that natural flow levels ahead are hard to predict. The compromised plan is a step in the right direction, but if the COE could re-consider the SOR, it would be appreciated;
  2. Russ Kiefer, ID: would commit to not asking for higher flows next week if the COE would be willing to implement the request as it was written;
  3. Rick Kruger, OR: also would commit to not asking for higher flows next week if the COE would be willing to implement the request as it was written;
  4. Dave Wills, USFWS: also would commit to not asking for higher flows next week if the COE would be willing to implement the request as it was written,
  5. Cindy LeFleur, WA: the COE's ESP run shows that refill would be achieved on June 30 if the request were implemented as written - what information was used to make the decision? Answer: The compromise was a decision made based on technical and policy-level input;
  6. BPA: defer to the COE, and; 7) BOR: defer to the COE.
4. AA decision The COE decided on a compromised operation: daily average outflows of ~7.9 Kcfs (one big unit and one small unit) beginning at 2200 hrs on 5/13; shift down to ~5.6 kcfs (1 big unit) on 5/16; shift down to ~4.6 kcfs (2 small units) on 5/18; finally, shift down to minimum flows on 5/19. The rationale for this compromise was to maintain reserves in case they are needed next week and to also meet the seasonal flow objective of 100 kcfs specified in the BiOP. The COE added that Brownlee may be stepping up flows over the weekend.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The COE implemented the following operation.

Average Daily Flow
Date            DWR      LWG
               kcfs     kcfs
5/13/2009 (W)   2.2     84.5
5/14/2009 (Th)  7.8     90.1
5/15/2009 (F)   6.6     95.1
5/16/2009 (Sa)  5.7     96.2
5/17/2009 (Su)  4.6     99.3
5/18/2009 (M)   4.6     108.6
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-03   Top of Page
21-Jul-2009 2009-03 IDFG, ODFW, SBT, CRITFC, and NPT McNary Dam Project Fish Emergency Operations
1. SOR request Specifications:
Immediately reduce the McNary powerhouse flow to project minimum. Increase the McNary spill to twenty four hour spill to the gas cap. Immediately begin bypassing fish back to the river on non-transportation days to avoid holding fish in raceways for extended periods at elevated temperatures.
2. Participants Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Shoshone-Bannock Tribe (SBT), Columbia Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), and the Nez Perce Tribe (NPT).
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications that were consistent with the SOR and TMT concurred with the Corps recommendation:

1) Spill to the 120% TDG spill cap until everyday barging begins;
2) on non-transport days, until everyday barging begins, bypass fish collected in the bypass system back to the river via full-flow bypass;
3) resume 50% spill when everyday barging begins;
4) if the temperature gradient through the bypass system exceeds 3 degrees C, resume gas cap spill operations, and;
5) if percent mortality is 6% or greater for three consecutive days, resume gas cap spill operations.

NOAA: no objection
BOR: no objection
BPA: no objection
USFWS: no objection
ID: no objection
CRITFC: no objection
4. AA decision The AAs decided to implement the following actions (same as above) that were consistent with the SOR and TMT’s recommendations:

1) Spill to the 120% TDG spill cap until everyday barging begins;
2) on non-transport days, until everyday barging begins, bypass fish collected in the bypass system back to the river via full-flow bypass;
3) resume 50% spill when everyday barging begins;
4) if the temperature gradient through the bypass system exceeds 3 degrees C, resume gas cap spill operations, and;
5) if percent mortality is 6% or greater for three consecutive days, resume gas cap spill operations.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The COE began gas cap spill at McNary Dam at 1300 hours on July 22, 2009, and implemented all the following actions that were consistent with the SOR:

1) Increased spill to the 120% TDG spill cap;
2) bypassed fish collected in the bypass system back to the river via full-flow bypass on non-transport days until everyday fish barging began;
3) initiated everyday fish barging on July 24;
4) modified operations that resulted in a reduction of fish mortalities and temperature fluctuations below the criteria stated in the SOR, and;
5) at 1300 hours on July 24, the COE achieved all the criteria outlined in the SOR and resumed 50% spill at McNary Dam.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-04   Top of Page
28-Jul-2009 2009-04 NOAAF, USFWS, ODFW, SBT, and CRITFC Dworshak Operations
1. SOR request Specifications:
Immediately decrease the outflow temperature at Dworshak Dam to 40°F while still maintaining the 12 Kcfs outflow. If temperatures exceed 68°F at the Lower Granite Tailrace as an instantaneous value for three or more consecutive hours before Friday July 31, 2009 at 9am, then immediately increase outflows at Dworshak Dam to 14 Kcfs while still maintaining the 40°F outflow temperature. This recommendation will be reviewed on Friday July 31, 2009 at 9 a.m., and if necessary, further recommendations will be made.
2. Participants NOAA Fisheries, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission.
3. TMT recommendation Consistent with the SOR, TMT recommended holding outflows at 14 kcfs through the weekend (Aug. 1 – Aug. 2) during the July 29 meeting. TMT scheduled conference calls on July 31, and August 3, so TMT members could adaptively manage outflows associated with the SOR and make any Dworshak flow modifications if temperatures at Lower Granite did not achieve the temperature objective stated in the SOR. On the July 31, conference call TMT recommended holding 14 kcfs Dworshak outflows through the weekend (Aug. 1 – Aug. 2). On the August 3 conference call TMT recommended the following: 1) Until midnight on August 4, maintain a 14 kcfs outflow, 2) at midnight on August 4, reduce outflows to 12 kcfs, and 3) shift to full powerhouse at midnight on August 5.
4. AA decision The AAs decided to implement the following actions based on the SOR and TMT recommendations:

1) On July 29, the COE increased spill at Dworshak from 12 kcfs to 14 kcfs,
2) until midnight on August 4, the COE would maintain a 14 kcfs outflow,
3) at midnight on August 4, the COE would reduce outflows to 12 kcfs, and
4) shift to full powerhouse on midnight on August 5, at midnight.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The COE implemented the operation consistent with the SOR and TMT recommendations. On July 29, at 1200 the COE increased outflows at Dworshak from 11.9 kcfs (104.2% TDG) to 13.7 kcfs (110% TDG). In addition, the SOR recommendation was to decrease the outflow temperature at Dworshak Dam to 40°F. Due to operational constraints, 42°F is the lowest temperature the COE can target in the reservoir. The COE adjusted the temperature control structure to target 42°F discharge. The COE continued to spill approximately 14 kcfs until 0100 on August 5 when the COE reduced spill to approximately 12 kcfs. The COE continued to spill approximately 12 kcfs until 0200 on August 6 when the COE reduced flow to full powerhouse (10.5 kcfs).
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-C1   Top of Page
10-Jun-2009 2009-C1 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2009 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

June 16th, 2009, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, June 19th, 2009, Friday.

June 22nd, 2009, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, June 25th, 2009, Thursday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

At this time CRITFC anticipates additional treaty fisheries in June and July. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications to the request:
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1’ soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3’ hard/1.5’ soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed SOR.
4. AA decision
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1’ soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3’ hard/1.5’ soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the 504 one hour intervals associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time:
  1. Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 75.0 - 76.5')/1' soft (elevation 75.5 - 76.5') constraint,
  2. The Dalles 3' hard (elevation 157-160')/1.5' soft (elevation 158 - 159.5') constraint, and
  3. John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 - 264') constraint.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-C2   Top of Page
25-Jun-2009 2009-C2 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2009 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

June 30th, 2009, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, July 2nd, 2009, Thursday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

At this time CRITFC anticipates additional treaty fisheries in July. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications to the request:

  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed SOR.
4. AA decision
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation During the 183 one hour intervals associated with the SOR, the Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 100% of the time:
  1. Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 75.0 - 76.5')/1' soft (elevation 75.5 - 76.5') constraint,
  2. The Dalles 3' hard (elevation 157-160')/1.5' soft (elevation 158 - 159.5') constraint, and
  3. John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 - 264') constraint.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-C3   Top of Page
6-Jul-2009 2009-C3 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2009 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

July 8th, 2009, 6 am, Wednesday, through 6 pm, July 11th, 2009, Thursday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

At this time CRITFC anticipates additional treaty fisheries in July. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications to the request:
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed SOR.
4. AA decision
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 99.6% (254/255 one hour intervals associated with the operation of the 3 projects) of the time:
  1. Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 75.0 - 76.5')/1' soft (elevation 75.5 - 76.5') constraint,
  2. The Dalles 3' hard (elevation 157-160')/1.5' soft (elevation 158 - 159.5') constraint, and
  3. John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 - 264'). A one million gallon gasoline barge grounded on 09 July. The Corps went outside the hard system constraint at Bonneville on 09 July at 1800 for one hour in an effort remove the grounded barge.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-C4   Top of Page
13-Jul-2009 2009-C4 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2009 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

July 15th, 2009, 6 am, Wednesday, through 6 pm, July 17th, 2009, Friday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

At this time CRITFC anticipates additional treaty fisheries in July. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications to the request:
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1’ soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3’ hard/1.5’ soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed SOR.
4. AA decision
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The Corps maintained the following hard system constraints 99.6% (254/255 one hour intervals associated with the operation of the 3 projects) of the time:

  1. Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 75.0 - 76.5')/1' soft (elevation 75.5 - 76.5') constraint,
  2. The Dalles 3' hard (elevation 157-160')/1.5' soft (elevation 158 - 159.5') constraint, and
  3. John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 - 264'). A one million gallon gasoline barge grounded on 09 July.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-C5   Top of Page
18-Aug-2009 2009-C5 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2009 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

1)August 24th, 2009, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, August 27th, 2009, Thursday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band.

2)August 31, 2009, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 4th, 2009, Friday.
3)September 8, 2009, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 12th, 2009, Saturday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 - 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

At this time CRITFC anticipates additional treaty fisheries in September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications to the request:
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1’ soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3’ hard/1.5’ soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed SOR.
4. AA decision
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation 100% of the time (909 hours associated with the implementation of SOR 2009-C5 at the three projects: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day), the Corps maintained the hard constraints the Corps identified at TMT:

  1. Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 76.5 - 78.0')/1' soft (elevation 76.5 - 77.5’') constraint,
  2. The Dalles 3' hard (elevation 157-160')/1.5' soft (elevation 158 - 159.5') constraint, and
  3. John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 - 264').
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-C6   Top of Page
10-Sep-2009 2009-C6 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2009 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

September 14th, 2009, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 18th, 2009, Friday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot band (msl elevation 76.5 - 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within a 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

At this time CRITFC anticipates additional treaty fisheries in September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications to the request:
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1’ soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3’ hard/1.5’ soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed SOR.
4. AA decision
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation 100% of the time (327 hours associated with the implementation of SOR 2009-C6 at the three projects: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day), the Corps maintained the hard constraints the Corps identified at TMT:

  1. Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 76.5 - 78.0')/1.0' soft (elevation 76.5 - 77.5') constraint,
  2. The Dalles 3' hard (elevation 157-160')/1.5' soft (elevation 158 - 159.5') constraint, and
  3. John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 - 264').
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-C7   Top of Page
17-Sep-2009 2009-C7 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2009 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

September 22nd, 2009, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, September 25th, 2009, Friday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 – 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

At this time CRITFC anticipates additional treaty fisheries in September. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications to the request:
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1’ soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3’ hard/1.5’ soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed SOR.
4. AA decision
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1' soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3' hard/1.5' soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation 100% of the time (255 hours associated with the implementation of SOR 2009-C7 at the three projects: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day), the Corps maintained the hard constraints the Corps identified at TMT:

  1. Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 76.0 - 77.5’)/ 1.0’ soft (76.5 - 77.5’) constraint,
  2. The Dalles 3’ hard (elevation 157-160’)/1.5’ soft (elevation 158 – 159.5’) constraint, and
  3. John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 – 264’).
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-C8   Top of Page
25-Sep-2009 2009-C8 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2009 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR request Specifications:
Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint, as follows:

September 29th, 2009, 6 am, Tuesday, through 6 pm, October 1st, 2009, Thursday.

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 76.5 – 75.5).
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5).
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5).

At this time CRITFC does not anticipate additional treaty fisheries in October. CRITFC will notify the Corps with specific times for the tribal fishery after each Compact hearing, via a new SOR.
2. Participants Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3. TMT recommendation After reviewing the SOR, the Corps proposed making the following modifications to the request:
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1’ soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3’ hard/1.5’ soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint. These constraints were based on previous years operations associated with treaty fishery SOR requests. The TMT supported the modification to the proposed SOR.
4. AA decision
  1. Operate Bonneville under a 1.5' hard/1’ soft constraint,
  2. The Dalles under a 3’ hard/1.5’ soft constraint, and
  3. John Day under a 1.5' hard constraint.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation 100% of the time (183 hours associated with the implementation of SOR 2009-C8 at the three projects: Bonneville, The Dalles, and John Day), the Corps maintained the hard constraints the Corps identified at TMT:

  1. Bonneville 1.5' hard (elevation 76.0 - 77.5’)/ 1.0’ soft (76.5 - 77.5’) constraint,
  2. The Dalles 3’ hard (elevation 157-160’)/1.5’ soft (elevation 158 – 159.5’) constraint, and
  3. John Day 1.5' hard (elevation 262.5 – 264’).
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-FWS1   Top of Page
15-May-2009 2009-FWS1 USFWS 2009 Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation Flows
1. SOR request Specifications:
Based on the May final April-August volume runoff forecast of 5.209 million acre-feet, we are within a Tier 2 operations year for Kootenai River white sturgeon as defined in the Fish and Wildlife Service's February 2006 Biological Opinion (2006 BO) on operations of Libby Dam. The minimum recommended release volume for sturgeon conservation under these circumstances is 0.80 million acre-feet, and we recommend the following procedures for discharge of at least this minimum volume from Libby Dam:

    Ascending Limb/Peak: Once Kootenai River temperatures at Bonners Ferry reach 8° C, and Koocanusa Reservoir warms such that 20-25,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) can be released through the turbines without decreasing Kootenai River temperatures by more than 1.5° C, increase flow at Libby Dam to full powerhouse capacity (according to ramping rates in the 2006 BO); the ramp up should begin at 6:00 AM on the initial day.

    Peak: Maintain full powerhouse flow at Libby Dam for one hundred sixty eight hours (7 days). No load following should occur during this period of peak flows. Discharge at this volume may be extended if necessary to reduce the rate of reservoir fill.

    Descending Limb: At about 6:00 AM following 7 days of peak outflow, discharge from Libby Dam can be reduced (following prescribed ramping rates) to 20,000 cfs. This discharge period may be extended if necessary to reduce the rate of reservoir refill. Note: The intent is to delay reservoir refill until inflows decline below turbine capacity.

    At about 6:00 AM after five days at 20,000 cfs, ramp Libby Dam discharge downward to 17,000 cfs.

    At about 6:00 AM after five days at 17,000 cfs, ramp Libby Dam discharge downward to 15,000 cfs. After 5 days at 15,000 cfs, Libby Dam discharge can be shaped to June VARQ flows. During this gradual ramp down the Corps should consider alternatives that will avoid a double peak in outflow between sturgeon and summer operations.

Sturgeon augmentation discharge may be extended for additional days if the Corps elects to provide volume in excess of the minimum volume requirement in the 2006 BO.

Provide stable or gradually declining discharge through the end of September following ramping rates and minimum flow guidelines in the 2006 BO for bull trout and white sturgeon.

2. Participants US Fish and Wildlife Service and Idaho Fish and Game
3. TMT recommendation
BOR: no objection.
BPA: no objection.
OR: no objection.
USFWS: no objection.
NOAA: no objection.
ID: no objection.
WA: no objection.
MT: no objection.
CRITFC: no objection.

4. AA decision The COE planned to implement the SOR as written and will coordinate closely with the Service and sturgeon technical/policy groups.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation The sturgeon pulse began on 6/10 with 27 kcfs reached at 0600 on 6/11. The project ramped down to 22 kcfs on 6/17; to 20 kcfs on 6/18; to 17 kcfs on 6/23; to 15 kcfs on 6/27 and to VARQ flows (bull trout minimums) on 7/12. The number of days releases were at 17 kcfs and 15 kcfs was reduced in order to accommodate a more gradual ramping to the Bull Trout minimum. The operation was coordinated and concurred through TMT on June 24th, 2009.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  


D2009-USFWS/IDFG-2009-1   Top of Page
28-Jan-2010 D2009-USFWS/IDFG-2009-1 USFWS and IDFG Request to implement a 2009-2010 winter lake elevation of 2051' for Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho
1. SOR request Draw Lake Pend Oreille down to a winter minimum control elevation (MCE) no lower than 2051' by November 15, while minimizing or eliminating the need to spill at Albeni Falls Dam. This proposed operation is not anticipated to cause exceedence of the state maximum total dissolved gas standards at downstream projects barring unforeseen circumstances. Kokanee spawning has commenced earlier the past three years than in previous years (about November 8 instead of historically typical November 20). We therefore request that as much of the draw down occur by November 8 as reasonably possible. Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) will monitor arrival time of kokanee at shoreline spawning areas. If kokanee spawning is in progress prior to November 15 and occurs in locations and depths that are deemed vulnerable to continued drawdown, then the Corps of Engineers shall, within 5 days of notification (but not later than November 15), cease drawdown activities even if 2051’ has not been reached. The elevation reached under this scenario would then become the MCE for this winter. The lake will then be held within 0.5’ of MCE to the end of spawning (monitored by IDFG) or December 31, whichever comes first.
2. Participants US Fish and Wildlife Service and Idaho Fish and Game
3. TMT recommendation
BOR: no objection.
BPA: no objection.
OR: no objection.
USFWS: no objection.
NOAA: no objection.
ID: no objection.
WA: no objection.
MT: no objection.
CRITFC: no objection.

4. AA decision The COE planned to implement the SOR as written.
5. IT recommendation
6. AA decision (after IT)
7. Actual Operation As requested in the SOR, the elevation of Lake Pend Oreille on November 8th was 2,051.170’. On November 15th the MCE for the lake was set at 2,051.2’. A few kokanee still present at spawning sites even into the beginning of January. IDFW did not declare an official end date since January 1st arrived before spawning was done.
8. If different from AA decision, why?