Date SOR # Submitted by Subject Disposition
16-Mar-2004 2004-01(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, WDFW, CRITFC, ODFW Turbine Operations at McNary Dam D2004-01
29-May-2003 Attachment(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, WDFW, CRITFC, ODFW, SBT State, Federal and Tribal Fishery Agencies Joint Technical Staff Analysis for SOR #2004-01 March 16, 2004
30-Mar-2004 2004-02(PDF) USFWS, NOAA, IDFG, WDFW, CRITFC, ODFW Implementation of Snake River Spill Operations and MOP D2004-02
12-Apr-2004 2004-03(PDF) USFWS, NOAA, IDFG, WDFW, CRITFC, ODFW Implementation of Snake River Spill Operations D2004-03
12-Apr-2004 2004-04(PDF) USFWS, NOAA, IDFG, WDFW, CRITFC, ODFW Lower Columbia River Spill Program D2004-04
13-Apr-2004 2004-05(PDF) USFWS, NMFS, IDFG, WDFW, CRITFC, ODFW Flow Priest Rapids, Spill at Bonneville Dam D2004-05
14-Apr-2004 2004-05-M(PDF) USFWS, NMFS, IDFG, WDFW, CRITFC, ODFW Flow Priest Rapids, Spill at Bonneville Dam D2004-05-M
27-Apr-2004 2004-C1(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C1
22-Apr-2004 2004-06(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, WDFW, CRITFC, Nez Perce, ODFW Snake River Spill D2004-06
04-May-2004 2004-07(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NMFS, CRITFC Flows at Priest Rapids Dam D2004-07
07-May-2004 2004-C2(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C2
05-May-2004 2004-08(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, CRITFC Lower Granite Dam Operations D2004-08
07-May-2004 2004-09(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, SBT, NPT, CRITFC Operations at Little Goose Dam D2004-09
17-May-2004 2004-C3(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C3
18-May-2004 2004-10(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NOAA, SBT, CRITFC Implementation of Full BIOP Spill and Compensation for Reduced BIOP Spill at The Dalles and John Day Dams. D2004-10
18-May-2004 2004-11(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, SBT, CRITFC McNary Turbine Operations D2004-11
20-May-2004 2004-FWS1(PDF) USFWS Libby Dam Releases for Sturgeon and Bull Trout Augmentation Flows D2004-FWS1
25-May-2004 2004-C4(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C4
25-May-2004 2004-12(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NMFS, SBT, CRITFC Priest Rapids Flows D2004-12
14-June-2004 2004-MT-1(PDF) MFWP Libby Operations for June and the rest of the summer D2004-MT-1
15-June-2004 2004-13(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NMFS, NPT, SBT, CRITFC McNary Operations for Maximizing Survival of Fall Chinook D2004-13
17-June-2004 2004-C5(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C5
22-June-2004 2004-14(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, MFWP, NP, SBT, CRITFC Summer Flows at Libby D2004-14
22-June-2004 2004-15(PDF) USFWS, ODFW, WDFW, NP, SBT, CRITFC Lower Columbia River Summer Spill Program D2004-15
28-June-2004 2004-C6(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C6
29-June-2004 2004-16(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NOAA, NPT, SBT, CRITFC Dworshak Operations D2004-16
06-July-2004 2004-17(PDF) USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NOAA, NPT, SBT, CRITFC Summer Dworshak Operations D2004-17
07-July-2004 2004-MT-2(PDF) MFWP Libby & Hungry Horse Operations for July through September D2004-MT-2
13-July-2004 2004-C7(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C7
20-July-2004 2004-C8(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Summer 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C8
20-August-2004 2004-C9(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C9
24-August-2004 2004-18(PDF) USFWS, NOAA, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NPT, SBT, CRITFC Late Summer Dworshak Operations D2004-18
23-September-2004 2004-C11(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C11
16-September-2004 2004-C10(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C10
30-September-2004 2004-C12(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C12
12-October-2004 2004-C13(PDF) CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2004 Treaty Fishery D2004-C13
26-October-2004 2004-19(PDF) NOAA, USFWS, IDFG, ODFW, WDFW, NPT, SBT, CRITFC Tailwater elevation at Bonneville Dam to protect natural spawning of chum and fall chinook salmon at the Ives/Pierce Island Complex, Multnomah Falls, and partly influence the I-205 seeps. D2004-19
05-November-2004 2004-FWS2(PDF) UCFWO, USFWS, IDOSC, KTID, IDDFG, CBFBCID Winter Temperature Operation of Libby Dam for burbot D2004-FWS2

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