01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08
C1   C2   C3   C4   C5   C6   C7   C8   C9   C10   C11
U1   U2

30-Oct-2002 2002-08 CRITFC Tailwater elevation at Bonneville Dam to protect natural spawning of chum and fall chinook salmon at the Ives/Pierce Island Complex and the I-205 seeps.
1. SOR-request

Beginning November 1 and continuing until further notice, provide a minimum instantaneous tailrace elevation of 11.5 feet at Bonneville Dam. On average it is anticipated that daily average flows will not exceed 125 Kcfs.

3. TMT-recommendation Starting Tuesday, November 5 at 0700 hours. The operation will be: hard constraint 10.8' and target 11.0' between 0700 - 1900 hours. Between 1900 - 0700 hours project can exceed 11' if needed to move water to maintain lower tailwaters during daylight hours.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation

As stated in TMT recommendation above for one day. The Bonneville operation changed to a hard constraint of above 11.1ft on November 6 with a soft constraint of 11.1 - 11.5 ft. between 0700 - 1900, with a target elevation of 11.3 ft. Operation changed to a hard constraint of above 11.3ft on November 13 with a soft constraint of 11.3 - 11.7 ft. between 0700 - 1900 target 11.5 ft. The hard constraint was met all of the time except for one hour when the tailwater limit had just been changed.

The Bonneville tailwater switched from spawning to incubation flows for chum protection on 31 December. At this time the operation for incubating chum shifted to an 11.2 ft. hard constraint, 11.4 ft. soft constraint around the clock as the minimum elevation.

8. If different from AA decision, why?  

25-Sep-2002 2002-B1 CRITFC Request for limited releases from Libby Dam for migration and spawning of burbot in the Kootenai River
1. SOR-request
  1. Maintain low flows in the Lower Kootenai River below Bonners Ferry for 45 days between December 15 and January 31.
  2. Flows would be a combination of local runoff and releases from Libby Dam ranging between 4 Kcfs and 10.6 Kcfs.
  3. Preferably, the releases from Libby Dam would remain below 7.3 Kcfs, the median
  4. Operate the selective withdrawal system at Libby Dam to release the coldest available water during December and January if a temperature gradient exists within the reservoir.
  5. The requested operation is to be implemented within flood control constraints.
  6. The power system is to continue to be operated to assure system stability and public safety.
  7. The existing BiOp ramping rates will remain in effect.
  8. This request is subject to favorable analysis of the effects on listed species, and in-season mitigation or adjustments to satisfy their needs.
2. Participants Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, Idaho Office of Species Conservation, IDFG, Boundary County Commissioners, City of Bonners Ferry, USFWS
3. TMT-recommendation Question was raised to IT "Should this special operation occur in the absence of a listing? Put another way, is there a regional benefit to avoiding a listing by taking action now or should the listing occur first before the region invests BPA funding in these operations? Is there a regional benefit for BPA to spend money to increase the probability of a burbot operation from50% to 95%?"
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation BPA and USFWS will continue to work to find a more optimal operation that is cost-neutral and more beneficial to burbot. If no other alternative is found, then BPA's "preferred operation" will be implemented with a steeper ramp down from full powerhouse at the end of December to get to 7.3 kcfs as soon as possible.
6. AA decision (after IT) provide flows within the SOR range on 37 of the 45 days requested. Ramp down to 7.3 Kcfs as early as possible, and to hold it for as long as possible. No objections were raised to this characterization.
7. Actual Operation Low flows for burbot began December 25 at 7.3 kcfs Libby discharge. 7.3 kcfs was discharged until December 29. Flows were then ramped down to 4 kcfs, the Libby project minimum flow, by 3 January and held at 4 kcfs through the end of January. The outflow of 4 kcfs continued after January and remains in effect. It could last until late May or June 2003.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

18-Sep-2002 2002-C11 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request

September 25th, 2002, 6 am, Wednesday, through 6 pm, September 28th, 2002, Saturday

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)
Maintain flows through all of the Zone 6 pools at a near constant rate. Fluctuate no more than plus or minus 10 kcfs from the beginning of the fishery to the end of the fishery.

2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a hard constraint from 0600 Wed, 25 SEP 02 - 1800 Sat SEP 02, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Elevation limits were provided 100% of the time for the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

12-Sep-2002 2002-C10 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint as follows:

September 16th, 2002, 6 am, Monday, through 6 pm, September 20th, 2002, Friday

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)

Maintain flows through all of the Zone 6 pools at a near constant rate. Fluctuate no more than plus or minus 10 kcfs from the beginning of the fishery to the end of the fishery.

2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a soft constraint from 0600 Mon, 16 SEP 02 - 0600 Tue, 17 SEP 02and as a hard constraint from 0600 Tue, 17 SEP 02 - 1800 Fri, 20 SEP 02, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Elevation limits were provided 100% of the time for the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

15-Aug-2002 2002-C9 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Autumn 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request Implement the following operations as a hard system constraint as follows:

August 28th, 2002, 6 am, Wednesday, through 6 pm, August 31st, 2002, Saturday
September 4th, 2002, 6 am, Wednesday, through 6 pm, September 7th, 2002, Saturday
September 11th, 2002, 6 am, Wednesday, through 6 pm, September 14th, 2002, Saturday

Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)

Maintain flows through all of the Zone 6 pools at a near constant rate. Fluctuate no more than plus or minus 10 kcfs from the beginning of the fishery to the end of the fishery.

2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a hard constraint, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Elevation limits were provided 100% of the time for the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

14-Aug-2002 2002-07 USFWS, NMFS, IDFG, CRITFC, WDFW August - September operation for Dworshak reservoir
1. SOR-request Operate Dworshak Dam to provide the following outflows for the period August 15 through September 14, 2002.
  • Continue to provide the current discharge rate of 13.8 kcfs through August 24.
  • Provide 12 kcfs outflow August 25 through August 31.
  • Provide 10 kcfs outflow September 1 through September 10.
  • At the end of the test period, begin to ramp project discharge down at the standard project ramp rate (no greater than 1 foot per hour at the Peck gauge) until the minimum outflow of approximately 1.4 kcfs is achieved.
  • Water temperature during this operation will be maintained at approximately 48 deg. F.
  • If the provision of the 200 KAF for the test appears to require a draft below elevation 1517, TMT will reconvene to reconsider the operation.
3. TMT-recommendation SOR 2002-07 be implemented as written.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Dworshak outflow reduced to 12.10 August 25, 2002. Reduced to 10 kcfs on September 1, reduced to 1.6 on September 11.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

6-Aug-2002 2002-MT1 State of Montana Libby Operations for the remainder of August and September
1. SOR-request As soon as practical, reduce flows out of Libby dam to 11 kcfs and maintain as close as possible to this flow until the end of September. Maintaining a flow of 11 kcfs from Libby is estimated to require drafting Koocanusa to elevation 2449 at the end of September based on current inflow forecasts. Since the projected outflow is based on forecasts of inflows to Lake Koocanusa the actual flows should be gradually adjusted to achieve the desired ending elevation at the end of September. Any flow changes should be effected by following the flow ramp rates in the Biological Opinion for bull trout.
2. Participants State of Montana
3. TMT-recommendation Flows from Libby will be reduced to 16 kcfs as soon as possible, depending on the timing of the Libby/Duncan swap.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Flows were reduced to 18 kcfs by August 9, 2002 (Value to support Libby / Duncan swap). Outflow reduced to 17 kcfs August 12, 2002. Outflows were ramped down from 17 kcfs to 12 kcfs between August 26th to August 30th. Discharge reduced to 6 kcfs on September 1, to conserve water for power operations later.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

18-Jul-2002 2002-06 USFWS, ODFW, IDFG, CRITFC Hungry Horse and Grand Coulee Summer Operations
1. SOR-request
  1. Release water from Hungry Horse at a rate of 5 Kcfs. Transitional flows from August into September should be relatively smooth and reflect a receding hydrograph.
  2. Pre-draft a volume of water from the Grand Coulee Reservoir in August that is equivalent, but not to exceed 150 Kaf, to the volume of water from Hungry Horse Reservoir that will not be discharged by the end of August (of the 20 feet designated from Hungry Horse that is reserved for summer flow augmentation under the NMFS 2000 Biological Opinion).
  3. During the beginning of August draft this water as necessary to meet the Biological Opinion flow objectives at McNary. Drafting should begin when flows begin to drop below 200 Kcfs at McNary.
  4. Refill the Grand Coulee reservoir in September with the volume of water from Hungry Horse that is equivalent to the volume pre-drafted from Grand Coulee in August.
  5. If this SOR is not implementable, draft full Biological Opinion volume from Hungry Horse by August 31.
  6. In addition, as per the 2000 NMFS Biological Opinion, reduce the volume of water pumped into Bank's Lake from Grand Coulee (Lake Roosevelt) by 130 KAF (volume of water in normal operating range). Draft this volume of water directly from Grand Coulee to augment flows during the summer migration period, extending the time during which the flow objectives at McNary Dam are met.
2. Participants USFWS, ODFW, IDFG, CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation 4 kcfs will be released out of Hungry Horse on July 20.
Tony will present ramping scenarios to TMT at the July 24 meeting, as requested. Hungry Horse will ramp to 6 kcfs for two to three weeks in August.
Sometime in August or September, Hungry Horse will ramp down to 4 kcfs until 3540' is reached.
Increase Hungry Horse outflow to 6 Kcfs on August 5.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation 4 kcfs released starting July 20, 2002. Flow increased to 6 kcfs July 31, 2002. Flow was reduced to 4 kcfs August 20, 2002
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

26-Jun-2002 2002-C8 CRITFC Dworshak Summer Operation Plan
1. SOR-request Implement the following operational guidelines. If river conditions degrade dramatically or flow varies significantly from the predicted model simulations during the period of the specified operation (1-9), in season management options will be discussed. We request that data being collected by the Corps monitoring program outlined by RPA measure 143 be made available for the weekly TMT meetings or discuss an alternative reporting schedule.
  1. Keep Dworshak full, 1600 feet, through July 14th, 2002. Pass inflow and use 47 degF water.
  2. Ramp up flows to 6,000 cfs by mid-day July 15th, 2002, and hold through July 21st, 2002.
  3. Ramp up flows to 9,000 cfs by mid-day July 22nd, 2002, and hold through July 28th, 2002.
  4. Ramp up flows to 13,000 cfs by mid-day July 29th, 2002, and hold through August 4th, 2002.
  5. Ramp up to 14,000 cfs by mid-day August 5th, 2002, and hold through September 1st, 2002.
  6. From September 2nd through 8th, 2002, reduce flows to 10,000 cfs.
  7. From September 9th through 15th, 2002, reduce flows to 7,000 cfs.
  8. From September 16th through 22nd, 2002, reduce flows to 2,500 cfs.
  9. From September 23rd through 29th, 2002, reduce flows to near minimum 1,400 cfs.
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation Keep Dworshak full until July 3rd.Pass inflow until July 7th. Increase outflow to 14 kcfs July 8th.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Outflow reached 13.5 kcfs July 11th. Flow kept at around that level until August 25th when flows reduced to around 12 kcfs.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

25-Jun-2002 2002-05 USFWS, NMFS, ODFW, CRITFC, Nez Perce Tribe, WDFW Brownlee Operations for Fall Chinook Migration
1. SOR-request

Draft Brownlee reservoir to shape USBR water which will not pass through Brownlee until after July 31 to assist in meeting the July / early August flow objective at Lower Granite Reservoir. This draft will likely be between 150 and 215 kaf (elevation 2066' to 2061' from full pool) by July 31. This volume of pass through and draft should total between 300 and 427 kaf of USBR water from the Upper Snake River basin..

Draft an additional 137 KAF of water volume by August 10, to assist in meeting the summer flow objective of 51 kcfs at Lower Granite, pursuant to the current Northwest Power Planning Council Fish and Wildlife Program draft from Brownlee Reservoir.

Draft the remainder of the Northwest Power Planning Council required volume from Brownlee reservoir, 100 KAF during the rest of August to assist in meeting the summer flow objective of 51 kcfs at Lower Granite Reservoir.

It would be most beneficial for salmon to begin refill at Brownlee after August 31.

Flow augmentation should be provided in a manner to avoid adverse impacts to water quality and other fish and wildlife resources.

USBR should take all reasonable effort to deliver water held as powerhead for Anderson Ranch, Palisades, and Minidoka to minimize the deficit between the 427 KAF and actual deliveries.

2. Participants USFWS, NMFS, ODFW, CRITFC, Nez Perce Tribe, WDFW
3. TMT-recommendation Idaho Power Company declined to draft Brownlee early with out a shaping agreement with BPA. USBR stated that the power head at Anderson Ranch has already been used, and that they are unable to use the powerhead at Palisades and Minidoka is not available, because it would be a change of use the state of Idaho does not recognize in-stream flows as a beneficial use.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation July 31 elevation at Brownlee was 2071.9
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

21-May-2002 2002-04 USFWS, NMFS, ODFW, IDFG, CRITFC, Nez Perce Tribe, WDFW Biological Opinion flow objective at Lower Granite Dam from May 22, 2002 through May 28, 2002 and BiOp flow objective at McNary Dam from May 22 through June 2.
1. SOR-request

Adjust DWR outflows in accordance with flows recorded at LWG above the 97 kcfs BiOp flow objective.

Begin passing inflows at the Brownlee reservoir to meet the BiOp flow objective of 97 kcfs at LWG.

Meet the BiOp flow objective of 246 kcfs at MCN. This includes potential drafting of GCL to 1237 feet and incorporates the 15 May BOR agreement to not fill GCL above 1240 feet if the flow objective of 246 kcfs at MCN is not being met.

2. Participants USFWS, NMFS, ODFW, IDFG, CRITFC, Nez Perce Tribe, WDFW
3. TMT-recommendation

At DWR provide up to 10 kcfs discharge, and total volume up to 50 ksfd (~100 kaf), as needed to attempt to meet 97 kcfs weekly average flow at LWG. Weekly average flow is for 20 - 27 May, which includes Memorial Day. Shape higher discharges earlier in the augmentation period, less during the holiday weekend, for load shaping.

For the 2-week operational planning period, 28 May - 9 June, operate DWR at minimum for end-of-June refill and operate GCL as needed down to 1240 ft. to meet a weekly average flow of 246 kcfs at MCN. GCL may draft to 1237 feet if needed to meet 220 kcfs at MCN. Refill GCL to the extent possible while meeting flood control.

Draft Little Goose pool to MOP on 24 or 25 May to support lower Snake flows as they recede. Refill to MOP +1 when flows are low enough that the operation is again needed for navigation, likely late June.

End full flow bypass at Lower Monumental on 2 June. COE will provide additional days if requested by fish agencies, as long as fish collections for research are not impacted.

Idaho Power Company plans to pass inflow at Brownlee for several days, refill to 2077 feet by the end of May, and hold near full in June while passing inflow.

4. AA-decision Implement according to the TMT recommendation.
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation DWR increased to 10 kcfs on 24 May. Flow decreased to 7.5 kcfs on 27 May 2002. Weekly average flow at LWG = 98.2 kcfs, at MCN = 256.5 kcfs. It was not necessary to draft Grand Coulee to achieve these flows. LGS operation changed to MOP to MOP + 1 May 24.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

15-May-2002 2002-C7 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request From 0600 17 May 2002 until 1800 18 May 2002:
  • Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
  • The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)
  • Maintain flows through all of the Zone 6 pools at a near constant rate (no more than plus or minus 10 kcfs from the beginning of the fishery to the end of the fishery)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination and prior understanding among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a hard constraint, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Elevation limits were provided 92% of the time for the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

14-May-2002 2002-03 ODFW, USFWS, CRITFC, WDFW, IDFG, NMFS Implementation of the NMFS Biological Opinion
1. SOR-request
  1. Provide at least the minimum juvenile fish migration flows specified in the NMFS 2000 Biological Opinion at McNary (220 kcfs) and Lower Granite Dams (85 Kcfs), utilizing Grand Coulee, Dworshak and Brownlee operations.
  2. Meet Biological Opinion flow objectives through drafting of Grand Coulee Reservoir and utilizing the options of reshaping outflows from other storage reservoirs to provide higher flows at Lower Granite Dam and McNary Dams.
3. TMT-recommendation Provide 220 Kcfs weekly average flow for the period 20 - 26 May at McNary. If natural flows don't start to pick up, and it is necessary to draft Grand Coulee to maintain the MCN flow, BOR will draft as low as elevation 1237 ft., unless a deeper draft is required to maintain the 135 Kcfs week-average flow at Priest Rapids
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation MCN weekly flow average for 20 - 26 May was 254.8 kcfs. Priest Rapids weekly flow average was 150.5 kcfs. Grand Coulee lowest forebay was 1240.4.
8. If different from AA decision, why? Additional draft not needed to maintain desired flows.

14-May-2002 2002-02 ODFW, USFWS, CRITFC, WDFW, IDFG, NMFS Implementation of the NMFS Biological Opinion and adherence to established procedures.
1. SOR-request
  1. Implement the NMFS 2000 Biological Opinion spill levels.
  2. Follow the existing protocol to be used during a NW or SW Reliability Event.
3. TMT-recommendation Continue to implement BiOp spill levels for fish passage. TMT members will review current emergency procedures and actions list.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation BiOp spill continued at mainstem lower Columbia/Snake River projects. TMT action agency representatives updated the emergency actions list, for TMT review.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

8-May-2002 2002-C6 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request From 0600 10 May 2002 until 1800 11 May 2002:
  • Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
  • The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)
  • Maintain flows through all of the Zone 6 pools at a near constant rate (no more than plus or minus 10 kcfs from the beginning of the fishery to the end of the fishery)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination and prior understanding among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a hard constraint, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Elevation limits were provided 92% of the time for the range stated in the TMT recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

2-May-2002 2002-C5 CRITFC May 2002 Flows for Hanford Reach, Lower Snake, and Lower Columbia
1. SOR-request
  1. Operate appropriate reservoirs to meet BiOp flow targets at McNary Dam (260 kcfs) and Priest Rapids (135 Kcfs) as well as meeting the criteria for Hanford Reach flows.
  2. Any flow reduction should be accompanied by an appropriate fluctuation rate to reduce stranding in the Hanford Reach as well as reducing the risk of slope failure due to rapid flow fluctuations.
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation Draft Grand Coulee to 1240' in the next ten days and keep flow targets at Priest Rapids at 135 kcfs or greater.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation 10 day average outflow at Priest Rapids ( 5/3 - 5-12) was 145.9 kcfs. Grand Coulee Drafted to 1242 feet (5/10/02)
8. If different from AA decision, why? Due to inflow increases, additional draft not needed to maintain 135 at Priest Rapids.

30-Apr-2002 2002-C4 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request From 0600 2 May 2002 until 1800 4 May 2002:
  • Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
  • The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)
  • Maintain flows through all of the Zone 6 pools at a near constant rate (no more than plus or minus 10 kcfs from the beginning of the fishery to the end of the fishery)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination and prior understanding among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a hard constraint, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Elevation limits were provided 100% of the time for the range stated in the TMT recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

23-Apr-2002 2002-U2 USFWS Kootenai River Sturgeon Spawning/Incubation and Bull Trout Flows
1. SOR-request
  1. Regulate flows from Libby Dam consistent with laws and treaties to achieve flows at Bonners Ferry to maximize the survival of sturgeon larvae to be released from the preservation stocking program hatchery operated by the Kootenay Tribe of Idaho, and to promote natural recruitment for a new class of sturgeon. At this time it is estimated that the first group of approximately 4 day old larvae will be available for release about June 23. This group and subsequent groups of sturgeon larvae will be released well above Bonners ferry, Idaho to determine if cover provided inter-gravel spaces, and greater water velocity will enhance survival.
  2. When it is determined when the first group of sturgeon larvae is available, begin ramping up flows at Libby Dam to achieve a total flow measured at Bonners Ferry, which approximates the average natural hydrograph for that date. This would result in a combined flow of approximately 20 kcfs at Bonners Ferry if larvae are first available on June 23.
  3. Continue to augment local runoff with releases from Libby Dam to approximate flows of the average unregulated hydrograph at Bonners Ferry though July 6, 2002. At that time the average combined flow measured at Bonners Ferry would be approximately 15 kcfs. Then ramp down to meet bull trout tiered flows.
  4. Additional flows associated with the spill test of Libby Dam should be superimposed upon these sturgeon flows to conserve water for other listed species. It is under stood that this spill test(s) will involve total releases of 28 kcfs for four hours each.
  5. Augmentation flows for bull trout are requested to begin on May 15th and continue through July 31, exclusive of the period when greater flows are being released for sturgeon. Bull trout flows should follow the tiered approach proposed by the action agencies as documented in the Fish and Wildlife Service's Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion of December 20, 2000, based on the May Kootenai River runoff forecast. If at any time it appears that reservoir refill is unlikely the default bull trout flow recommended for this 10 week period is 6 kcfs.
  6. Because of the variables in the above recommendation, total volume involved are expected to range between 0.6 and 0.8 maf.
  7. If the runoff forecast is such that reservoir refill is assured and additional water becomes available, it is recommended that after meeting the applicable bull trout tiered flows that and available water would be released to 1. further augment the larval release flows (items 2 and 3 above), and 2. begin augmentation earlier in June, prior to the release for sturgeon larvae. This additional water may then aid in incubation of naturally spawned sturgeon eggs.
  8. During any sturgeon releases the selective withdrawal structure of the face of Libby Dam should be used to the extent feasible to release water in the range 10 to 12 degrees Centigrade.
  9. Ensure the availability or stored water of sufficient for successful quantity for successful out-year needs of all listed species in the Columbia River basin per the 2000 Biological Opinion.
2. Participants USFWS
3. TMT-recommendation Implement requested flows, dependent on real-time water supply and river conditions, through in-season management by TMT.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Augmentation flows for bull trout started 15 May 2002, at a level of 8 kcfs. Flows were ramped up to 18 kcfs between June 5 and 6 because of the need to avoid filling the project to soon. Flow was increased to 26 kcfs from June 10 and 11. The Libby spill test took place June 25 - 27. During and spill test the flows were increased to 32 kcfs, again to avoid filling the project to soon. Outflows continued to increase to a peak of 40 kcfs July 3. Flows were ramped down to 24.4 kcfs by July 7. Flows started increasing July 11th due to increasing inflows, reaching a peak of 30 kcfs July 15. At the end of July flows were 22 kcfs.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

23-Apr-2002 2002-C3 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request From 0600 25 April 2002 until 1800 27 April 2002:
  • Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
  • The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination and prior understanding among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a hard constraint, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:
4. AA-decision Implement according to the TMT recommendation.
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Elevation limits were provided 100% of the time for the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

12-Apr-2002 2002-C2 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request From 0600 15 April 2002 until 1800 20 April 2002:
  • Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
  • The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination and prior understanding among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a hard constraint, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation BON reservoir elevation limits were provided 100% of the time for the range stated in the TMT recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

2-Apr-2002 2002-C1 CRITFC Operation of the Lower Columbia Pools for the Spring 2002 Treaty Fishery
1. SOR-request From 0600 2 April 2002 until 1800 13 April 2002:
  • Bonneville Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot from full pool (msl elevation 77 - 76)
  • The Dalles (Celilo) Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 159.5 - 158.5)
  • John Day Pool: Operate the pool within 1.0 foot (msl elevation 264.5 - 263.5)
2. Participants CRITFC
3. TMT-recommendation As a result of coordination and prior understanding among the Corps, BPA, and CRITFC: Hold BON pool within a 1.5 foot range, elevations 75.0 - 76.5 feet, as a soft constraint, during these dates and times, subject to periodic review of river and power system conditions:
4. AA-decision Implement according to the TMT recommendation.
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Elevation limits were provided 97% of the time for the range stated in the TMT Recommendation above.
8. If different from AA decision, why?  

5-Mar-2002 2002-01 ODFW, USFWS, CRITFC, WDFW, NMFS Spill and Flow at Bonneville Dam for the Spring Creek Hatchery Release
1. SOR-request
  1. No operation of unscreened units at Bonneville Powerhouse I or II and follow the turbine operating priority in the Fish Passage Plan;
  2. Operate Powerhouse II as first priority. Fully load PH II before operating PH I;
  3. Operate PH II ice and trash sluiceway;
  4. Operate turbine units within 1% of peak efficiency;
  5. Operate juvenile and adult facilities according to criteria;
  6. Provide an instantaneous flow of 170 Kcfs. Based on modeling by the USFWS, we estimate that a flow of 170 Kcfs is sufficient to allow approximately 100 Kcfs of spill 24 hours a day, while maintaining a maximum level of 105 % TDG (factored for depth compensation) at the Ives Island gage 3 and the highest elevation chum salmon redd on the Oregon shore.
  7. Provide an initial spill level of 80 Kcfs, increasing to 100 Kcfs or more dependent on real-time TDG monitoring. Because of our desire to be conservative and provide maximum protection to the ESA listed chum salmon, we request that spill initially be provided at a level of 80 Kcfs. Spill is to be increased based on real-time TDG measurements collected by the USFWS. The USFWS will notify the project operator beginning the evening of March 11, 2002 if spill levels can be increased while not exceeding 105% TDG factored for depth compensation at the highest elevation chum redd. (At no time is spill to exceed 120% total dissolved gas measured at the Warrendale monitor as allowed under the dissolved gas waiver request to be considered by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission on March 8.)
  8. These operations are to begin at 2000 hours on March 11, 2002. If after five days of flow augmentation and spill operations it has been estimated that at least 85% of the release has passed Bonneville Dam, the operations may be terminated. If less than 85% of the release has passed Bonneville Dam after five days of operations, continue flow augmentation and spill for up to ten days or until an estimated 85% of the release has passed Bonneville Dam.
  9. We recognize that based on the past few months' reservoir operations, reservoirs are presently near, or in some cases below, flood control rule curves. We request that the Action Agencies use the remaining flexibility in the system to accomplish this SOR without jeopardizing the April 10th rule curve elevations called for by the Biological Opinion.
3. TMT-recommendation No recommendation was obtained. Issue was raised to IT.
4. AA-decision  
5. IT-recommendation Provide 200 KAF total additional volume (above the 125 Kcfs average flow that would otherwise be provided at Bonneville), a 14.5-foot minimum tailwater elevation at Bonneville to ensure adequate depth compensation, and 115% tailrace TDG cap at Bonneville.
6. AA decision (after IT) Release 150 kcfs from Bonneville with a spill level of 50 kcfs staring 12 March 2002. From 0900 hours 13 March 2002 to 1200 hours 14 March 2002 discharge 170 kcfs including an initial spill level of 70 kcfs. Then go back to 150 kcfs discharge with 50 kcfs spill. The Spring Creek spill operation will cease at 0800 15 March 15 2002 when the 200 KAF is used up. Minimum tailwater level of 13.5 feet will be maintained.
7. Actual Operation 150 kcfs released from Bonneville starting 0900 12 March 2002 with a spill level of 50 kcfs. Outflow was increased to 170 kcfs at 1700 12 March 2002 and stayed at or above that level until 1200 14 March 2002 when flow was reduced to 150 kcfs. This outflow level continued until the operation ended at 0600 15 March 2002. Spill was increased to 70 kcfs at 2000 12 March 2000 and continued until 1300 13 March 2002 when the spill level was raised to 100 kcfs. Spill was reduced to 50 kcfs at 1200 14 March 2002 and continued until 0600 15 March 2002. Tail water was above the 13.5 feet level during the entire operation.
8. If different from AA decision, why? Heavy rains occurred which resulted in higher BON flows.

9-Jan-2002 2002-U1 USFWS, IDFG Request for releases from Libby Dam for migration, spawning, incubation, and larval development of burbot in the Kootenai River.
1. SOR-request Release 6 to 10 kcfs as soon as possible continuing until 8 February 2002. Use established ramp rates. As soon as possible continuing until 15 March 2002 operate the selective withdrawal system at Libby Dam to release the coldest available water.
2. Participants USFWS, IDFG
3. TMT-recommendation The COE will release 14.5 kcfs out of Libby. They will monitor and decrease outflows if possible, but will keep release levels relatively stable.
4. AA-decision Implement according to the TMT recommendation.
5. IT-recommendation  
6. AA decision (after IT)  
7. Actual Operation Flow was ramped up from 10 kcfs to 14.5 kcfs starting 10 January 2002. 14.5 Kcfs was reached 11 Jan 2002. 14.5 Kcfs flow continued until 5 February 2002 when it was necessary to increase outflow due to flood control requirements.
8. If different from AA decision, why?