2002 Water Management Plans corrections 1-7-02

John Day

This paragraph got left out of the draft around the beginning of October since it is an action item it should be put back in.

John Day

John Day pool shall operate within a 1 1/2-foot range of the minimum level that provides irrigation pumping from April 10 to September 30. (NMFS BiOp @ Section Page 9-65, Action 20)


4.3.2 Sturgeon

This table

Forecast runoff
Volume (Maf) at Libby
Tier Sturgeon Flow (Maf)
at Bonners Ferry
0.00 < forecast < 4.80 1 Sturgeon flows not requested
4.80 < forecast < 6.00 2 1.42
6.00 < forecast < 6.70 3 1.77
6.70 < forecast < 8.10 4 2.56
8.10 < forecast < 8.90 5 3.89
8.90 < forecast 6 4.77

Should be replaced with this table

Table 6. "Tiered" volumes of water for sturgeon flow enhancement to be provided from Libby Dam according to the April - August volume runoff forecast at Libby.  Actual flow releases would be shaped according to seasonal requests from the Service and in-season management of water actually available.

Forecast runoff
Volume (maf*) at Libby
Sturgeon flow volume (maf)
from Libby Dam on May-June
0.00 < forecast < 4.80 Sturgeon flows not requested
4.80 < forecast < 6.00 0.4
6.00 < forecast < 6.70 0.5
6.70 < forecast < 8.10 0.7
8.10 < forecast < 8.90 1.2
8.90 < forecast 1.6

*maf = million acre-feet

Page 15 of USFWS BiOp and part of Appendix A of the USFWS BiOp

This is the table that we indicated that we would use in the Corp's Record of Consultation and Statement of Decision

"For the Kootenai River white sturgeon, the Corps proposed in a letter to the USFWS dated December 19, 2000, a specific volume of water be identified for sturgeon flows that could be shaped in-season within existing project requirements. The volume increased based on runoff forecast. The USFWS 2000 BiOp contains the specific volumes. The Corps will work with USFWS to better clarify yearly operations for sturgeon and refine the volume through the annual planning process."