Draft 2025 Fish Passage Plan (FPP)
& Change Forms

* Change Forms FINALIZED after March 1, 2025, are NOT included in the print version of the 2025 FPP.
Draft Chapters Change Forms Date
Change Form
Draft Chapter 1 - Overview
Draft Chapter 2 - Bonneville Dam 25BON001 - Unit 10 Fixed-blade Range 11-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Chapter 3 - The Dalles Dam
Draft Chapter 4 - John Day Dam 25JDA001 - Clarify Unit Priority 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25JDA002 - Clarify Emergency Bypass Terminology 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25JDA003 - Clarify SMF Sampling 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25JDA004 - Unit 2 Fixed-Blade Range 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25JDA005 - Spillbay 2 Outages 11-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Chapter 5 - McNary Dam 25MCN001 - Reference to Surface Spill 11-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Chapter 6 - Ice Harbor Dam 25IHR001 - Reference to Surface Spill 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25IHR002 - Bypass Start Date 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25IHR003 - Bypass End Date 16-DEC-2024 NEW
25IHR004 - STS Amp Reading 16-DEC-2024 NEW
25IHR005 - Orifice Backflush 16-DEC-2024 NEW
25IHR006 - Orifice Preference 16-DEC-2024 NEW
25IHR007 - Remove Section 2.5.1 16-DEC-2024 NEW
25IHR008 - Remove Section 16-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Chapter 7 - Lower Monumental Dam 25LMN001 - Reference to Surface Spill 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25LMN002 - RSW Maintenance 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25LMN003 - Channel Velocity 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25LMN004 - Fishway Temperature Monitoring 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25LMN005 - Dewatering Structure 11-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Chapter 8 - Little Goose Dam 25LGS001 - Reference to Surface Spill 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25LGS002 - Fishway Cooling Pump Inspections 16-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Chapter 9 - Lower Granite Dam 25LWG001 - Reference to Surface Spill 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25LWG002 - AWS Pumps RTS 16-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Appendices
Change Forms Date
Change Form
Draft Appendix A - Special Ops & Studies 25AppA001 - Doble Test Schedule 18-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Appendix B - Transport Plan
Draft Appendix C - BPA Load Shaping Guidelines
Draft Appendix D - Ops for Non-Listed Species
Draft Appendix E - Fish Operations Plan (FOP) N/A (coordinated via RIOG) ------ ------
Draft Appendix F - Dewatering Fish Salvage
Draft Appendix G - Adult Trap Ops
Draft Appendix H - CHJ Turbine Dewatering
Draft Appendix I - DWR Turbine Maintenance
Draft Appendix J - Smolt Facility Protocols 25AppJ001 - LMN Sampling 20-DEC-2024 NEW
25AppJ002 - JDA Sampling 11-DEC-2024 NEW
25AppJ003 - IHR Sampling 16-DEC-2024 NEW
Draft Appendix K - Acronyms
Draft Appendix L - Predator Mgmt Plans 25AppL001 - Predator Mgmt Updates 19-DEC-2024 NEW
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