Final 2024 Fish Passage Plan (FPP)

In effect March 2024 - February 2025

For Change Forms and Draft Sections, go HERE

*In-season revisions are NOT included in the print version of the FPP.

COMPLETE DOCUMENT (11mb) [PDF] See below
Chapter 1 - Overview [PDF]  [MS Word]
Chapter 2 - Bonneville Dam [PDF]  [MS Word] 14-NOV-2024
Chapter 3 - The Dalles Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Chapter 4 - John Day Dam [PDF]  [MS Word]
Chapter 5 - McNary Dam [PDF]  [MS Word] 25-NOV-2024
Chapter 6 - Ice Harbor Dam [PDF]  [MS Word] 8-AUG-2024
Chapter 7 - Lower Monumental Dam [PDF]  [MS Word] 14-NOV-2024
Chapter 8 - Little Goose Dam [PDF]  [MS Word] 8-AUG-2024
Chapter 9 - Lower Granite Dam [PDF]  [MS Word] 8-AUG-2024
Appendix A - Special Ops & Studies [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix B - Transportation Plan [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix C - Load Shaping Guidelines [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix D - Ops for Lamprey, Etc. [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix E - Fish Operations Plan (FOP) * [PDF]  22-MAR-2024
Appendix F - Dewatering Fish Salvage Plans [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix G - Adult Trap Protocols BON, IHR, LWG [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix H - Chief Joseph Dewatering Protocols [PDF] [MS Word]
Appendix I - Dworshak O&M Protocols [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix J - Smolt Facility Protocols [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix K - Acronyms [PDF]  [MS Word]
Appendix L - Predator Mgmt Plans [PDF]  [MS Word]

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