10 December 2020 FPOM Files |
201210 FPOM draft agenda 201210 FPOM final minutes 201210 FPOM audio file |
10 December 2020 FPOM additional documents |
2018 BON Spillway ROV Rock Inspection Report 2020 BON Spillway ROV Rock Inspection Report TDA Non Routine list FPOM JDA Non Routine list FPOM The Dalles Lamprey Passage Memo BPA FPOM December - February ooutages FPOMOUTAGESCHEDULE_2020 NWW Composite Cooling Water Strainers Lamprey Counts 201208 CRITFC Final Draft Proposal Lamprey Monitoring_for FPC meeting |
10 December 2020 FPOM draft MOCs for discussion |
20BON102 MOC Spillway B-branch Attraction water outage for ROV inspection_ 20BON103 MFR WA Shore Steelhead mort 20TDA13 MFR EFL lamprey morts 20TDA14 MFR F2 oil spill and response 20JDA21 MOC COVID-19 Daytime condition sampling proposal 20 IHR 08 MOC Floating Guidewall Cable Replacement |
10 December 2020 FPP draft Change Form for discussion |
20AppF001 Sturgeon Coordination |