FPOM Meeting File - February 2016

11 February 2016 FPOM Files

160211 FPOM draft agenda
160211 FPOM audio
160211 FPOM final meeting minutes

11 February 2016 FPOM additional documents

Cooling Water Strainers Lamprey counts

BON oil spill plan
TDA oil spill plan
JDA oil spill plan

160201 BON FOGs
160211 MCN FOG Cycle

160211 TDA Winter maintenance update

JDA SFL Wall Issue 28 JAN 2015 rev1
11 February 2016 FPOM draft MOCs for discussion

16BON02 MOC BI crowder mods for lamprey
16BON03 MOC blown PH2CC diffuser C4
16BON04 MFR FU float times Dec 2015
16BON05 MOC spillway and CI entrance ROV inspection
16BON06 B2CC opening date

16 MCN 01 McNary Fishway Spill Entrances Permanent Closure – OR and WA

13 LWG 17 Juvenile Fish Collection Channel Upgrade - UPDATE 08Feb2016
15 LWG 025 LGR JBS Primary Outfall Construction Revised 09Feb2016
16 LWG 02 Lower Granite Dam Adult Ladder Return to Service Date

11 February 2016 FPP draft Change Form for discussion
