FPOM Meeting File - February 2014

13 February 2014 FPOM Files
140213 FPOM draft agenda
140213 FPOM Meeting Audio
140213 FPOM Final Minutes

13 February 2014 FPOM Additional Documents
Cooling Water Strainers Lamprey Counts
BPA 2014 Feb - Apr Outages
140213 LGS Spillway erosion presentation

13 February 2014 FPOM Memos of Coordination
14BON01 BI lamprey wetted wall
14BON02 FGE testing in May-June
14BON03 BI serpentine underwater video
14MCN03 Adult Steelhead Direct Injury and Survival

13 February 2014 FPOM FPP pending change forms
14OVE002 TDG language
14BON001 PH2 mid range op
14BON011 SLEDS installation
14BON012 Minimum Forebay
14BON014 BOP definition removed
14TDA009 Split flow protocols
14MCN002 ESBS VBS cleaning
14MCN003 Backflush orifices
14MCN007 Forebay Debris
14MCN008 No Transport
14MCN012 Turbine trash raking
14LGS002 SW Operations
14LWG002 Gatewell Orifices
14AppB001 No MCN transport
14AppB002 Intro revision
14AppB003 LMN Collection start time
14AppD001 JDA Lamprey trap protocols
14AppD002 NWW updates
14AppD003 BON and TDA updates
14AppG003 BON AFF picket leads
14AppX001 MCN sampling protocols