FPOM Meeting File - October 2013

10 October 2013 FPOM cancelled due to federal furlough

10 October 2013 FPOM Files
Cooling Water Strainers Lamprey Counts
BON JMF FFU Kelt Monitoring 2014

CRITFC AFF PIT tag proposal

13BON51 BON NDE lamprey flume repairs
13BON89 (update to 13BON05) Attachment 1
13IHR11 Line 1 disconnect maintenance

2013 TDA split flow test
2013 TDA split flow test spreadsheet
2013 TDA split flow test summary

Foul release coatings summary- PSU
Coating release literature review- PSU

10 October 2013 draft FPP change forms
14BON005 6.6. navlock dewatering
14BON006 facts and figures
14BON007 avian and pinniped hazing
14BON008 Diel graphs for fish passage
14BON009 2.5.4 fish unit raking and dredging
14BON010 ITS chain gates

14TDA004 6.6. navlock dewatering
14TDA005 facts and figures
14TDA006 avian and pinniped hazing
14TDA007 5.1 SCO unit priority
14TDA008 Diel graphs for fish passage
14TDA009 split flows

14JDA002 6.6. navlock dewatering
14JDA003 2.2.1. TSW removal
14JDA004 facts and figures
14JDA005 avian and pinniped hazing
14JDA006 Diel graphs for fish passage

14AppG003 BON AFF picket leads