FPOM Meeting Files - July 2012
12 July 2012 FPOM Files
120712 FPOM Final minutes
120712 FPOM Audio part 1
120712 FPOM Audio part 2
120712 Draft Agenda
12 July 2012 MOCs and MFRs Discussed
12BON26 BON Summer and Fall Operations
12IHR07 JCBS Outfall JSATS Hydrophone Installation
12LMN07 Diesel Generator Update #4
12LWG008 130 Ton Intake Crane Shore Power Feed
12LWG008 Juv Collection Channel Overflow Weir
12LWG010 U3 Excited Turning and Generator Model Validation Testing
12 July 2012 FPP change forms
120703 BON Ops draft change form supplemental information
120703 BON Ops final draft change form
13MCN 001 Lamprey Entrance SFEW2 stilts
13MCN002 MCN Spill Pattern Changes During TSW Removals in Spillbays 19 and 20
13LMN001 AWS Fish PUmp Maintenance
12 July 2012 Additional Documents
120712 Fredricks TDA passage graphs
120712 Zorich 2012 BON Lamprey weekly report
JDA 2012-13 draft winter maintenance schedule
ODFW Pikeminnow Week 28 report