TDG Tracking - Apr 2021

Gas Cap %: 110 110 110 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Method: Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg
04/01/2021 107 107 106 103 105 102 105 104 104 105 114 109
04/02/2021 106 106 106 102 102 102 103 103 104 105 104 104 114 109
04/03/2021 105 105 106 116 102 118 102 115 105 104 104 114 108
04/04/2021 106 105 106 117 103 118 103 115 105 103 104 113 108
04/05/2021 106 106 106 117 103 118 105 114 106 103 104 115 107
04/06/2021 106 106 106 118 102 119 114 115 107 104 105 115 107
04/07/2021 106 106 106 118 109 119 116 114 108 105 105 113 107
04/08/2021 106 106 105 117 110 119 115 115 106 104 104 113 106
04/09/2021 106 106 105 117 110 119 115 115 107 104 105 113 107
04/10/2021 106 105 105 116 110 118 114 113 115 115 110 116 114
04/11/2021 105 117 108 118 114 116 113 115 115 114 116 117
04/12/2021 104 104 103 116 108 118 114 115 113 115 115 117 117 116
04/13/2021 105 105 105 116 109 117 112 115 113 115 114 116 117 115
04/14/2021 107 106 106 116 109 117 113 113 111 113 105 115 114 117 117 117
04/15/2021 106 107 107 116 109 118 113 114 111 113 106 116 114 117 117 117
04/16/2021 106 106 107 115 111 118 114 110 113 106 115 113 117 117 117
04/17/2021 106 107 108 116 112 118 114 115 111 113 107 116 114 118 117 117
04/18/2021 107 108 109 117 113 118 117 114 113 113 108 116 114 118 117 117
04/19/2021 105 106 107 116 112 118 116 114 113 113 108 116 115 117 117 116
04/20/2021 106 107 107 116 113 118 116 116 114 114 109 116 115 117 117 117
04/21/2021 108 109 108 116 114 119 117 115 114 114 109 117 116 119 119 119
04/22/2021 109 109 109 116 115 119 118 116 115 114 110 117 117 117 118 118
04/23/2021 107 108 108 116 114 118 119 114 116 114 110 116 116 116 117 118
04/24/2021 107 107 108 116 114 118 119 115 116 114 110 117 117 118 120 119
04/25/2021 107 107 107 117 113 118 117 115 115 115 110 117 117 119 120 120
04/26/2021 106 107 106 116 113 118 116 115 114 114 109 117 117 118 120 119
04/27/2021 105 106 106 116 111 117 115 114 112 114 108 117 116 116 120 119
04/28/2021 105 105 105 116 110 119 115 114 112 114 109 117 117 118 120 119
04/29/2021 106 107 106 116 113 118 117 115 114 114 110 117 117 119 119 119
04/30/2021 107 107 107 117 114 119 118 116 115 114 111 117 118 118 119 121

Generated: 26-Apr-2023 11:22:48

Red text denotes exceedances.
• indicates no data due to malfunctioning gauge
- indicates gauge is out of service for winter

Gas Cap % = TDG criterion in the water quality standard
The 110% TDG gas cap is compared to the maximum hourly value in a calendar day
The 115%, 120% and 125% TDG gas caps are compared to the average of the twelve highest hourly TDG measurements in a calendar day