Combined Percent TDG Tracking - May 2011

Gas Cap %: 110 110 115 115 120 115 120 115 120 115 120 115 120 115 120 115 120 115 120 120
05/01/2011 108 0 0 107 104 109 107 111 111 120 114 117 109 114 114 106 116 115 109 116 116 113 119 119 115 115 114
05/02/2011 109 0 0 107 106 109 108 112 112 120 115 117 111 115 114 107 117 117 110 116 116 114 118 119 116 116 114
05/03/2011 108 0 0 107 105 109 108 112 112 120 115 116 110 114 114 106 118 118 109 116 116 114 118 118 115 115 114
05/04/2011 107 0 0 107 105 110 107 111 110 120 113 116 109 114 114 109 115 116 110 117 117 114 119 119 115 115 114
05/05/2011 109 0 0 108 106 110 109 111 113 120 116 116 111 114 114 110 115 115 111 117 117 116 119 119 116 116 115
05/06/2011 109 0 0 109 107 110 109 112 113 120 116 117 112 114 114 110 118 118 111 117 117 115 118 118 116 116 115
05/07/2011 109 0 0 109 107 110 109 112 113 120 116 117 112 114 114 110 118 118 111 117 117 114 118 118 116 116 114
05/08/2011 108 0 0 108 106 112 109 112 112 120 115 119 111 114 114 110 115 115 111 116 117 114 118 118 116 116 115
05/09/2011 109 0 0 108 105 114 108 112 112 120 114 116 111 117 117 109 117 117 109 116 116 113 119 119 114 115 115
05/10/2011 109 0 0 109 104 109 109 117 112 120 115 117 111 117 117 108 118 118 112 116 116 112 120 120 114 114 114
05/11/2011 109 0 0 109 105 109 111 116 114 121 115 116 112 116 116 109 118 118 112 118 118 113 119 120 115 115 114
05/12/2011 109 0 0 109 105 111 111 114 114 119 115 118 112 118 118 109 117 117 111 117 116 113 119 119 115 115 114
05/13/2011 108 0 0 110 104 116 108 117 114 120 116 120 114 120 120 112 119 119 112 118 118 116 121 121 117 117 115
05/14/2011 114 6 0 112 106 121 112 121 118 121 117 120 116 121 121 114 119 119 113 119 119 118 124 124 119 119 118
05/15/2011 117 24 0 116 107 131 114 128 123 124 117 123 116 124 124 114 120 120 113 118 118 116 125 124 118 118 118
05/16/2011 118 24 0 117 106 133 117 130 127 127 118 129 114 126 126 113 122 122 112 118 117 114 125 125 121 121 119
05/17/2011 115 24 0 115 107 132 124 130 133 127 125 130 117 126 126 112 122 122 115 120 120 119 126 126 124 124 122
05/18/2011 114 13 0 115 107 128 125 128 133 124 125 126 119 124 125 113 124 124 115 119 119 119 126 126 125 125 124
05/19/2011 116 24 0 116 107 126 125 126 129 123 124 123 118 125 125 119 126 125 118 121 121 118 126 125 124 123
05/20/2011 120 24 0 120 107 121 121 127 128 122 123 122 117 124 125 121 125 126 120 122 122 120 126 126 125
05/21/2011 126 24 0 120 107 124 121 125 131 123 123 124 117 127 127 121 126 125 120 121 122 120 126 126 125
05/22/2011 129 24 0 122 107 124 117 127 128 123 122 124 116 127 127 118 126 126 118 121 121 118 125 125 124
05/23/2011 130 18 0 122 107 127 116 127 128 124 122 125 116 129 129 118 129 129 117 120 120 118 125 125 124
05/24/2011 0 0 122 107 128 116 134 128 124 121 125 118 129 129 117 129 129 120 123 123 120 127 127 126
05/25/2011 127 14 0 122 107 129 118 137 138 125 124 127 118 129 129 122 127 129 121 124 124 122 128 128 126
05/26/2011 127 24 0 121 107 132 119 136 138 126 124 127 119 128 129 122 128 127 121 123 123 122 127 128 126
05/27/2011 130 24 0 120 106 132 118 139 139 128 123 130 116 130 130 121 129 129 121 123 123 121 128 128 126
05/28/2011 136 24 0 125 107 129 120 135 139 127 126 128 117 131 131 118 130 130 120 122 122 121 128 128 127
05/29/2011 140 24 0 127 108 124 120 128 138 123 127 124 119 131 131 118 130 130 120 123 123 121 127 128 127
05/30/2011 140 24 0 127 108 121 120 128 133 122 127 123 119 130 131 119 130 130 121 124 124 121 129 129 127
05/31/2011 139 24 0 126 107 121 117 127 131 124 124 122 120 130 130 122 131 131 123 125 125 123 129 129 128
Exceedances: 17 15 18 16 18 18 19 22 17 17 18 13 16 13 12 19 7 16

Generated: 18-Oct-2017 19:52:12

Hours used in calculating average:
WA: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Others: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Red text denotes exceedances.
Blacked out readings include data from gauges deemed likely to be malfunctioning.
• indicates no data due to malfunctioning gauge
- indicates gauge is out of service for winter
Dates run from hour 1 to 24 (not 0 to 23).
The gas caps shown only apply when spilling to facilitate juvenile fish passage ("voluntary spill") between April 3rd and August 31st. At all other times, the gas cap is 110%.

TDG instances are calculated based on the rounding methods that Oregon and Washington use, which is described by Oregon at, the bottom of page 3, and by Washington here.